such a kid

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He encircled me waist and pulled me closer....and whispered in his husky voice...

"You will fall for me...." If he keep doing this then maybe I will...

"you are way too cocky.."

"and you like that about me..." He gave me a teasing look and bit is lower lip... Why is this turing me on? ohh god why would I agree to this...

"What about you???..." I threw my arms around his shoulders and decreased the space between us...
what am i even doing??...

"are you trying to flirt with me??..." he stammered...

" I don't think so...Am I???? "

"but, it's working...."

I left him getting hard and freed myself from his grip. I didn't do it on purpose.

"I want to have breakfast.."

And I went to the kitchen and started plating my food...why is he following me....we went back to the living room.

"come here...sit next to me."

"are you not going to take a bath???."

"I don't want to.."

"I don't like unhygenic people.."

He stood up and went to his room.
he is such a kid...he came out and went to the bathroom....Good..Is he trying to win me over by doing this?? Maybe .. but is it working?? shake it off diya.

I finished my food and washed my dishes....
I went to my room and started reading a book.......

15 min later

I felt someone head on my lap...

"hey...what are you doing???..."

"I want to spend some time with you.."

"I am busy.."

"I won't can continue."

"but.." he gave me a cute smile...who can resist this???...

I continued reading my book and he was playing in something in his phone.. I don't know when my hand slipped into his hair and I started massaging them.....

It's been an hour since he slept and now I can't feel my legs....I kept my books aside and started poking his cheeks hoping he may wake up..but this sleeping beauty is not ready to wake up....My fingers traced his jawline..what am I doing???..

"hey...wake up...taehyung...wake up.."

"no let me sleep.." and he burried his face in me stomach...

"I can't feel my legs...get up..."

He suddenly got up..."I am sorry.."

"It's fine.." why am I feeling uncomfortable around him now???...

"I have to go to the store to buy some groceries and stuff..will you please leave...I have to change..."

"You can change...I don't have any problem with it..."

"but I leave..."

"but it's not like I haven't seen you...."

I threw a pillow at him before he could finish his sentence...

"leave before I kill you...."

"okay cool down...i'll go...."

Then he stood up and left the room...
I changed my clothes and then went to the kitchen to check the items..

One night stand :Kim Taehyung KTH (Bts)Where stories live. Discover now