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"I like you too.....but I can't do this.."

"when you like me why does anything else matter??"...

"It matters tae...I don't think this is the right place and time to talk..." it was already getting dark and no one was there..

"then come...we are staying in a hotel. I have already book a room..we can talk there comfortably.."

Our drive to the hotel was dead silent.
We checked in and went to our room..

"I'll order something to eat.." He said and I nodded..I changed into some comfortable clothes which thankfully we bought in the mall...maybe that is the reason he was so adamant to buy them...

I opened the door and saw him shirtless..ohh god his is a treat for my eyes... is he doing this on purpose. cause it's working...I coughed to grab his attention and he wore his shirt..

"so where were we????" I asked...

"You said you liked me..." he gave me a smile..

There was a knock at the I opened it and took our food inside..

"We can't be together's next to impossible.."

"And why is that???"

"I don't have the best break up or relationship experience to start with..."

"Are you trying to scare me.
cause it won't work...we are mature enough and I want answers Diya. this is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.. I saw you at your friend's engagement. I saw how much you love her.. I saw what you did for her and I can tell that you'll love your boyfriend with everything you have and I want to be that person..Is it wrong for me to think that.. So stop  pushing me away when you too have feelings for me..."

"I won't repeat the same mistake again tae..I can't do that.. I am not brave enough to take a chance when I know how things will end.."

"How can you be so sure that it will end...and what is this mistake you are always talking about...why can't you take a have to tell me."

"He was my crush and my senior...I liked him so one day I confessed to him...we talked for some months and then we started dating... I was really happy..I already told you I was really very girly..I wanted to hold his hands go outing with him, proposal but when we were at school he never talked to me..He ignored me like I didn't even exist.. and my friends used to say is he even your boyfriend???...and I never knew what to answer them..and he was popular among girls his so-called fan following would decrease if he talked to me and I am possessive person.."

" he would only meet me at my house or somewhere alone. He never wished me on my birthdays.. that day he was standing right infront of me..his friends wished me but he didn't.."

"I am not a girl who wants fancy gifts from her boyfriend..All I wanted was a rose for valentines day..Or maybe a chocolate but he never gave me candy for the ever least..He used to party with his friends and ask me for money when his pocket had no money... i did everything for him.."

"When did you lost your virginity???"


"answer me"

"maybe 18 or 19..I guess.."

"I lost mine at 15... I was young very young and stupid to fall for his emotional blackmailing... He brought me to his brother's home"

I paused took a deep breath remembering that day..

"It was raining... we did it..I said I have to leave..and he was lying on the bed and asked his brother to drop me home... i refused and walked back home..and then I felt used..he picked me up before we did it but didn't dropped me home after that.. He didn't bothered at all.. And I was sick for days after that I didn't attend school and When I finally went to school he never asked me how I am..
But he messeged me and I was crazy to forgive him everytime..He insulted me made a foot out of me infront of him friends on his birthday...I asked him not to tell his friends about this but he did and there rumors, slutshaming..everyone in my class knew that but thankfully I had to shift my school and I came here I never had to face my classmates..Everyone turned against me .Parth was the only person who stood for me..He fought for me..he was the only person who used to save me everytime anything happended.. and he also told me he wasn't right for me . and when I told my boyfriend that all these rumors are because of him he just said he didn't do anything it's my fault..and this was the last thing I wanted to hear..I just broke up....This is it.."

"before that incident everyone was my friend everyone talked to me but after that all of them turned against me.The reputation I had died. They badmouthed me and everyone showed their true colors but only two stayed with me...I trusted everyone I have trust issues...I was an open book now i am not...I was chirpy...i am not anymore..I liked being everyone's eye I don't give a fuck....I cried for months.. but now I have nothing to lose.. but I have only one regret I gave him my virginity but he wasn't able to give me an orgasm.."

"don't smile...don't try to be funny when you clearly aren't okay..."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe.and bit my lip . don't cry..
just don't....I opened my eyes..okay...I bursted into tears..I haven't cried over this matter since 5 years..
Taehyung came and hugged me and I cried even harder....

I think I cried for half an hour.....I stopped and he was wiping my tears over my face..

"I know this is lame...a very lame excuse for not dating anyone but I just don't know...."

"it's fine to feel that way but I am not like him at least you can give me a chance.."

"but why do you want to date me...I am not pretty or sexy or cute."

"but you are mine.."  he made heart from his fingers.. and I smiled at him.

"but future you will find someone who is perfect for you in all aspects...."

"i already found one.." he said with a big smile...

"I am Indian we are from totally different countries..even our skin shade don't match..."

"but our heartbeat do..." why is this so cheezy???

"there is no winning from you right.."

" used to win but now that you cried two times in a lost your swag.." he grinned and i hit him...

"It's not funny..." I scrunched my nose.

"So....what do you think???" he made a cute pout...

"about what??.." I teased..

"Nothing...." Now what is he angry??? "we should sleep...I am tired.."

"hmm..." And we slept.....

A/N - was it boring..or is the reason lame?? what do you think about it.

One night stand :Kim Taehyung KTH (Bts)Where stories live. Discover now