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"Is this what you bought me..This is so gay..what made you think I will wear this???" he mocked at me

His friends started laughing at me and made fun of me. I have never been so humiliated .And I started running and ...

I suddenly woke up and a tear escaped my eye .I felt like I fell down, I can't breathe. Those memories made their way in my life again..I sat on the bed and saw taehyung staring at did this happen??..I am in his room and still wearing my jeans..I must have slept in the car....I drank the water which tae offered me...

"you were shivering and..." he paused.."you woke up.."

"it was just a bad dream.." I tried to smile.

"Does this happen often???.."

"No...this happens to's not a big deal..don't worry.."

"you sure.."


"I'll change my clothes..."

"it's 2:00am in the moring.."

"I won't feel comfortable...."
I stood up and was walking towards the door when he held me by my wrist..

"you'll come back right.."

"in a minute.." I smiled and went to my room...then changed and came back..

"told yaa"

"let's sleep.." he is already half asleep..

I climbed on the bed and lied next to him.and he encircles his arms around my waist..and we slept again...

(8:00 am)
I woke up and got up gently..I don't want to disturb him after whatever happened yesterday....

(9:00 am)
I prepared breakfast for us and got dressed...I have to leave in half an hour and he is still asleep..I went to his room..

"tae..wake up..I am leaving....we can have breakfast together if you want. wake up..." why do I have to wake him up everyday??... but he'll start whining again that I left him alone..

"I am up..."

I went to the kitchen and brought food to the living room..tae also sat down...

"you are good right.."

"yesss.." I shrugged..

"You are going somewhere???.."

"yes to the hospital....This is my last week of internship..then I will graduate and my joining is from next month..."

"that means you'll be free after this week..."


"okay...come I will drop you..."

"No...I'll go are still half asleep..."

"I can sleep after I drop you..."

"I told you I am fine...Stay here and rest...." I finished my breakfast and picked my bag and started walking towards the door and he followed me..

"You look tired from yesterday's ride.. but I would like it if you are tired after I ride take some rest.."
I pulled him from his shirt kissed him on his cheeks gave him a flying kiss.. He must be digesting what happened??... It's fun teasing him..

A week later
(10:00 pm)
I returned home and tae was sitting on the sofa...and I went straight to my room seeing him engrossed in his game...

Today was my last day of my internship..I have my gratuation next week..I will be a certified doctor then.
Last week was okay...taehyung and I didn't get much time for us...He was also busy with his album promotions and other things...

I came back to the living area but only the lamps were on creating a dim atmosphere .And then I saw taehyung lighting some candles on the table..

"nice set up...what's the special occasion???"

"Everyday with you is special and it's a movie date.." he is such a flirt at times.

"A movie date.."

"yesss....As per our deal you gave me a month and our last week was not-so-special so...I had to do something right." I smiled widely...

"So what are we watching???"

"Whatever you want??..."

"I haven't watched movies lately.."

" are you fine with Me before you??"

"it will work..."

He played the movie and brought some popcorn and coke and sat next to me.......
I get really invested whenever I watch a movie...I took the popcorn bowl near my chin and my eyes were fixed on the tv while with the other hand I ate my popcorn...

My hand was searching for some porporn when he fed me some...I turned to him

"Are you not watching the movie???..."

"I am watching mine..." why is his voice so seductive and then he also knows what I girl want to hear...

"stop the movie...."

I really hate these kind of movies.....In most indian movie the protagonist never dies..and even if they die they are reincarnated or something happens....there is always a happy ending.. Don't cry.....don't cry...hold your tears...
He died.....I can't take face started heating up.....not his letter ...
and my eyes brimmed with tears. I wiped my tears and there goes the waterfall... they should not do this..

"hey...hey...stop crying..." he hugged me...

"Don't hug me...i need a tissue.." I voice broke..

"wait...." He passed me some tissues..

After some time I composed myself...

"why would you show me this??"

"I thought this was a romantic movie"

"this was romantic tragedy...I still cry every time I watch titanic..."

"I am sorry.." then he hugged me again..and I sniffed...

"I didn't know you were such a softie..."

"what softie???." I broke the hug and raised my eyebrow at him.

"well if someone ever told me a week ago that you'll cry this hard when the main lead dies..I would have laughed at that person.."

"why is that so hard to believe??"

"Because you are always frowning, you keep a poker face at times and always acting like a badass, shutting everyone..So it's a bit weird seeing you cry..." I chuckled at his comment

"I am a human. I cry . I don't understand why people think of me that way . even my parents, my siblings everyone misunderstands me....they think that....." I paused and pressed my lips together... "nothing....It's late we should sleep..." I gave him a weak smile and got up..

"You should finish what you were saying.." He insisted

"it's nothing..."

"Then let's sleep together.....I mean just sleep.." he clarified again and I nodded....We went to the room.. he was playing with my hair and I half asleep and the last thing I know was him kissing my forehead..

One night stand :Kim Taehyung KTH (Bts)Where stories live. Discover now