Chapter 1: Awakening

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I felt cold, and lonely.

Blackness surrounded me and I could see nothing.

I tried moving but it didn't feel like I could do anything.

A figure came into view. It was my mother.

"Why are you killing people?" She told me.

I didn't know what she meant.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Can't you see them?" She asked me.

Several figures came into view. They were all the dead operators I sent out on those suicide missions.

"Why did you kill them?" She asked.

I started to cry. I fell to my knees and began sobbing uncontrollably.

"I don't know. I thought if I could keep whoever I could alive, then it was worth it." I answered while crying.

"What about her?" She asked.

I wiped my face and looked up. Suddenly Kal'Tsit was standing behind her looking down at me with a disgusted face.

My eyes shot open, I was in shock.

"You tossed her away for yourself. You wanted to keep yourself safe from suffering and threw away the one thing that made you happy." My mother told me.

I stared at the floor wishing this was a dream or an hallucination.

"How can you repay all these debts if your dead?" She asked me.

I couldn't answer her.

"Why did you forget what I told you all that time ago?" She asked me.

I felt warm arms around me.

"You've suffered a great loss," She said, "You tried to help others by pushing them away. But you actions have costed lives and your relationships. You've tried your father's way. But remember what I told. You cannot have knowledge without love to guide it. Wisdom my son, learn this."

She picked me up by my arms and got me onto my feet.

"My son. If you ever need help. Remember that HE is watching you. Just ask, and he will be there for you. HE has always been there for you. Just ask, and he will help you I swear. Love is stronger than any science or human knowledge."

She looked back and a great light appeared.

I shielded my eyes against it.

"I must go now son, please. Heed my words, and listen well if He speaks to you my son."

I tried to stretch out my hand and take her but she continued on into the light.

"...Doctor, can you hear me..." A familiar voice rang out.

Light began to fill my vision and my eyes opened.

Around me was an a terribly kept operating room.

I looked to my right and saw someone I knew very well.

I looked to my right and saw someone I knew very well

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"Doctor, are you ok?" Amiya asked.

Apparently I've been out for some time.

"We all had thought you died, but you suddenly woke up," Amiya said sounding relieved.

"How.. long?" I asked.

"About two days," Amiya replied.

I tried moving but my wounds still stung.

"Don't move too much, we had to call for help from Rhine Labs," Amiya said.

I looked over and saw Ptilopsis.

I looked over and saw Ptilopsis

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"Affirmative. Sufficient medical treatment has been administered. Recovery of injuries is at 80% values," Ptilopsis replied sharply.

"I... see." I replied.

"Just take it easy. We've called the base for back up and Penguin Logistics is on the way now," Amiya spoke up worriedly.

"I guess a rescue operations is underway?" I asked.

"Yes Doctor," Amiya replied.

(Hopefully this goes well for everyone). I thought.

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