Chapter 10: Misha

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"Ch'en, we've arrived at the building on the west side," I relayed to Ch'en.

"Alright, we have the east side of building covered. On my signal, we'll breach the building," Ch'en responded on the radio.

I got my squad ready and prepared to take the building.

"NOW!" Ch'en commanded.

My squad and I broke down the back door of the building while Ch'en's forces knocked down the front door.

Reunion forces poured out of every nook and cranny of the building, almost of it they predicted our movements or were ready for any surprises.

A hail of bullets poured behind as Exusiai rushed into battle almost flying on the wind as she smiled gunning down Reunion foot soldiers left and right.

To my right Texas lept into battle as she swung her sword and gutted Reunion forces.

Blaze plunged her chain saw into the most armored of Reunion soldiers and grinded their guts and organs into meaty piles.

Shining and Ptilopsis stayed behind us and provided medical attention through their Healing Arts.

Reunion was butchered by our Operator forces, however, not one backed down or retreated.

By the end of the breach: Piles of bodies and unrecognizable flesh strewn across the bottom of the floor. Ch'ens guard unit began combing the building for any survivors of the Reunion ambush.

"The building is clear ma'm, all that is left is to check the last door on the second floor. Its locked and from what we could tell empty. However Misha could be in there," the Guard informed Ch'en.

"Doctor, Amiya, your with me. Lets finish this up," Ch'en commanded.

I traveled with Ch'en to the second floor and 2 other guards went with us.

The two guards readied for a breach and awaited for her command.

Ch'en nodded her head and the door exploded open and the two guards rushed into the room.

"Room clear!" One guard announced.

The three of us entered and saw a small child huddled in the corner.

"You there, are you Misha?" Ch'en asked harshly.

"Y... yes," Misha replied scared.

"Good. Your coming with us to explain why Reunion just invaded an entire slum for you," Ch'en demanded while walking away.

"But why? I have an idea why they would either," Misha pleaded.

"You could have information on Lungman or perhaps your a spy for them. Anything you could say now won't save you. It was MY duty to protect this city and its citizens, so I'll do whatever it takes to protect it," Ch'en replied.

I looked at her: She was glaring at the child. I looked at Misha, she was clearly scared and frightened.

I went to her and bent down to her eye level. She backed away a little.

"Misha, why did Reunion lock you in here," She hesitated for a moment to pause and then said:

"Because of him."

"Who?" I asked.

"Who?" I asked

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