Chapter 7

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It's been two weeks since the nikkah got over. I still hadn't talked with Ramzan. My father had given me his number and I had thrown the paper away. What's the need of talking with him?

I was getting ready to go to the office when Safa called me.

"Zoya,Try to come early today. The boss is new and is not like the old one who is sweet to you" She reminded me for the third time today.

She ended the call after a lot of advice on being early to the office before the new boss arrives. 

I looked at the clock after my usual dressing up. It's already three minutes past 8. Reaching the office would take me 15 more minutes. Ha! Who cares about the new boss? I don't.

It was already 8:30 when I reached the office. Like always, the reason was heavy traffic.

I was walking towards my seat when the assistant of the boss asked me to go to the boss's office. I looked at Safa confused since I have never set my foot in the boss's office.

"I told you to come early" She mumbled.

"I always come late" I mumbled back winking at her.

"Then you will be in a surprise girl. All the best to our latecomer" She said laughing.

I walked to the boss's office with no fear at all.

"Ha, I don't care who this idiot is going to be"

"You were mentioning me, dear?" Suddenly I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and saw Razi smirking at me.

No! No way! Razi can't be my boss. Oh No, this can't be like those dramas I saw.

"Follow me," He said and walked towards his office.


Aahhh! I screamed internally. "This is not going to happen to me" It is the seventh time I am saying this to Safa. I told Safa for the seventh time today.

"I told you to come early and now what?" She said laughing.

As a punishment for coming late, Razi had asked me to complete a work which was due for next month and would take me a maximum of 10 hours to finish. I need to submit it today and that means I have to work even extra hour.

"I can't believe he told he will lock you up here if you didn't submit the work today," Safa told me sipping her coffee.

"You bet! He would do anything to take revenge on me" I replied without looking at her.

My head had already started to ache before I could finish the first page.

"Razi, I will pay you back for all of this" I murmured angrily.

"Pay me the money for the coffee, then you think about paying him back," Safa said laughing at her own joke.

"Haha, So funny" I replied laughing with her forgetting about all the heavy work Razi had assigned me.


The company has been closed 2 hours before and I am still in front of my computer doing my work. It would take me four more hours to finish the work. It's getting dark outside and I was already scared to death.

That's when my phone rang. It was from an unknown call. Praying to Allah that it's not some ghost calling me to say he is behind me, I took the call.

"Leave the work and go to your home before someone come and kidnap you," Someone from the other side said laughing.

It was Razi, the great devil.

"I bet it will be you" I replied angrily.

"I will if you don't come out of the office in five minutes. I am counting Zoya" He said and ended the call.

I closed the computer after saving the work and rushed towards the door.

I locked the door and hid the key in its usual place.

There was no one to be seen outside and it felt creepy. You could say that I was shivering with fear.

I walked towards the gate and saw Razi standing near his bike looking at his phone. I was going to walk towards my bike when he stopped me.

"Get in mine," He said pointing in his bike.

"I have mine" I replied but he didn't leave me.

"If you don't get in, I will make you......." Before he could finish his sentence I was already in his bike taking my helmet fearing he would something to me.

It was already dark and I didn't want to go alone. I was kind of relieved that Razi was here.

He started the bike and rode off to the other side which was opposite to the road to my house.

"Where are you taking me?' I asked him with fear.

"Shut your mouth or else I will drop you in the middle of the road," He said quite angrily.

He parked his bike on a beach side and asked me to get off the bike.

"What?" I looked at him confused.

'Will you get off or should I pull you out?" He asked me staring at me.

I got off the bike and followed him towards the beach.

Both of them hadn't noticed a figure following them with fire in his eyes.

Razi's POV

I sat on the sand and asked Zoya to sit beside me.

Even though at first, she refused. But after seeing my angry stare, she sat quiet far away from me.

I went and sat near her "If you move, I will push you to the sea" I told at her without looking at her.

I was quite enjoying seeing her poor stare at me but it hurts me more than her. There is no other way than be a villain in her story. She is quite arrogant and the only way to get her in my hand is to be rude at her.

We sat there for a long time looking at the vast sea. I knew it was the right time to say her everything.

"Zoya, I.........." Before I could finish my sentence, something was hit on my head and all I knew was that I was falling into Zoya's hands.

The last word I heard was Zoya calling my name.


And it proved that I was still in her heart.


Many of you might be confused about Razi and Zoya not living together after their Nikkah. Actually this Nikkah is done like an engagement but to make it Halal for them to meet and talk, I decided to make it a nikkah.


What happened to Razi?

Will Razi get a chance to say her everything?

Do wait for the next chapter...........

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