Chapter 10 - Falling

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Spade's P.O.V
"Spades, thank god you're okay!!" Whispered Vlu, before he grabbed me by the hand and dragged me to a small room.

It was pitch black inside, I could barely see a thing. The only light source was a tiny candle that looked like it was about to go out. So whatever we were gonna do, we had to do it fast.

"Okay, any ideas?" I ask. Everyone is silent. Of course nobody knows what to do.
"Hey spades, where did you run off to?" Kale asks. I almost tear up thinking about the library and Kinnie's dead body. How could I have known we were talking to someone who was planning to kill us? Now three - no, FOUR of our friends are dead...

"..The library." I start. "I.. uhm.. Found Kinnie there--"
"What are you talking about? Kinnie's literally trying to kill us all! She's--" I cut off Kale briefly to finish my sentence.


"What..?" Vlu whispers. "She's... Oh my god, please say you're joking-"
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Flamez chimes in. "She's dead?! She's been dead the whole time?!?"

I had nothing else to say. Everyone else was panicking about Kinnie and all I could think about was the candle. I looked up and thats when I noticed a small patch of light.

It looks like a hole that someone could crawl through. While everyone is chattering about I decide to try and climb my way up there. Flamez notices me and asks what I'm doing.

"Trying to get up to that hole." I reply. "Maybe I could crawl through it and--"
"No, we're not risking losing someone again." Flamez finishes. "Who knows what could be on the other side of that hole?"

"Well then why don't you go through it?!" I exclaim. Flamez sighs, climbing up towards me and shoving me out of the way. With quick thinking he manages to reach it. Flamez slowly threads his head through the hole, like threading a needle. He gasps.
"There's a small way out, but we have to shimmy through. I'll go first and I'll shout when it's clear for the next person."

Everyone was quiet as a mouse when Flamez began crawling through the hole. We had no idea how far the hole went, so we had to keep as a silent as possible to hear Flamez.

Eventually, we got something through and The next person up was Kale. It wasn't long before Kale reached the hole and climbed through, leaving us in darkness like Flamez did.

I was the last to go through the hole.

Flamez's P.O.V

"Oh my god, what's taking spades so long?!" I grunt. Everyone except Spades has made it through the hole and Spades is just taking his sweet time.

I look back over at the others. They're all frantically looking around hoping that the faker Kinnie doesn't show up behind us or something. I look up to see if I can see Spades but he's nowhere to be seen. It's been a few minutes now, and I'm starting to get worried.

"SPADES?! ARE YOU OKAY!?!" I yell from where I am, hoping he was able to hear me.


That's weird, his voice sounded more... feminine that earlier...

Oh fuck.

Without thinking I look for some way to get back up to the crawlspace to save Spades. I manage to find a conveniently placed ladder, tall enough for me to climb up to the hole. I slide it as close as I can take it to the wall and begin climbing. I charge back through the crawlspace, but I end up coming face to face with Spades.

"What took you so long?!" I exclaim. Spades keeps a monotone expression and ushers me to go backwards. I can't hear everyone's panicked voices anymore. It's like I'm somewhere else, it's strangely quiet but I keep backing up. I look at Spades and begin to notice something different..

Were his eyes always purple in colour?

Before I could give myself a second to think I'm suddenly pushed by Spades and I fall into some void. I land hard on the ground and a sharp pain sweeps over my body. Probably broke a few bones from that fall. I yell in agony.

Spades jumps down effortlessly, like a cat landing on it's four feet. He exposed a machete and swung it round, suddenly shifting from Spades to Kinnie.

I should've known it was her the whole time.

"So are you gonna.. kill me or what?" I wince.

"I will, give me a second I'm admiring your broken legs." She giggled. She really had no shame. Makes me kind of miss the old Kinnie, the one who used to always be so optimistic and happy for everyone. She was so pure and full of life. I hated seeing this version where she's just.. ruthless.

"Alright, I'm done." Kinnie stopped my thoughts and pointed the machete towards my face. "Any last words?"

I was silent. The pain was too much. I'm pretty sure I was already dead at this point.

"..I'll fucking kill you." I whispered.

"What was that?"


I forgot the machete had been there at my face the whole time, and I had just forced myself into it.

..I hope the others are okay.

einniK's P.O.V

So short lived. So uneventful. I had managed to kill every single one and Flamez was my last victim. Goodness knows what kind of world he was living in.

I pace back and take a look at all the other's lifeless corpses. I guess the chandelier was my favourite, even thought it wasn't my doing. People can be so stupid sometimes, y'know?

At least I had fun while it lasted.

(A/N: This is the official end of HELLSCAPE. I have only published this chapter because it was close to being finished anyway and I didn't want to leave it as it was. I'm unsure if the story will get a rewrite as I'm not particularly proud of how this came out, maybe it will, maybe it won't. Depends.

Otherwise, I want to thank y'all who still came and enjoyed the story anyway. It was supposed to run on for a bit longer but it got discontinued, so... ya.

-signol <3)

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