Chapter 6 - A "change" of heart

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Kinnie's P.O.V

There's literally a clone of myself in front of me. Like I'm just staring at myself in the mirror.

I attempt to crawl away with the bare strength I have left. Eventually I'm able to feel my legs again and I scramble up to my feet quickly, assuming that whoever this is, they're up for a game of cat and mouse.. Or mouse and mouse, since it's a clone.

I turn a corner, finding myself near a dead end. I curse under my breath, turning back around to find another way out. It felt like this library was making it's own paths for me so I couldn't escape. As I turn another corner, the clone manages to catch up to me and tugs at my arm, pulling me backwards. They keep hold of my arm as I'm trying to pull myself free to start another chase, and I eventually decide to turn around and use my other arm to throw a punch, but they were one step ahead and caught my fist. We end up locking eye-contact.

"Hey, hey, relax.. I'm not gonna hurt you.. Maybe."

The words shot through my chest, as I found myself unable to speak. Not like I wanted to be talking to myself, anyway.

"Wh..What-- What do you.. What do you-- Want?" I ended up blurting out. The clone rolled their eyes, abruptly pushing me to the floor.

"I mean, it was kind of obvious, but it also wasn't. Let me introduce myself, I'm you, or as your friends call you, Kinnie."

As this duplicate went on, I noticed that they had a personality completely opposite to my own, They seemed so patient, and knew ahead of things. I kind of found it hard to keep up with what they were saying, they were kind of boring to be honest. 

It was only when they pulled out a small dagger that I realised what their plan was. They were going to kill me, and take my place to kill everyone else.

"You see, unlike everyone else, you and the rest of them, you're smart! Like, real smart, wow. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if they're smart enough to figure out who's who. That's where I come in. If you haven't figured it out already, I'm going to kill you, take your place, and make sure no one makes it out alive!" They continued, a sadistic grin spread across their face. I decided now was the time to make my escape. I pull myself up and stumble towards anywhere I could deem safe, but before I could even make more than five steps I felt a sharp pain through my spine, and something spilling out of my mouth.

I'm pretty sure it was blood.

The clone wraps an arm around my stomach to stop me from falling forwards. All I could see was the pool of blood dripping from my mouth and from the recent wound I had just received. It felt as if all of my energy had been drained, is this what death felt like?

"Let's assume this was to apologise for killing your friend. I'll make sure nobody finds you, don't worry."

I could tell that smile was still there. I couldn't even think anymore. All I could think about was the sweet release of death as the clone laid me down gently against a bookshelf. I noticed myself going blind as my vision blurred and the distant sound of footsteps echoed in my head.

Dude, I just fucking died.

Arsabx's P.O.V

I couldn't sleep. After everything that's happened right now, Moon's death, Kinnie and Vlu's argument, Kinnie leaving, there was no way I could sleep.

I watched everyone else in silence. It was dark, and I could barely see anything outside, and surprisingly, for being in a house in the middle of nowhere, I could hear owls chirping outside. Or maybe it's just my head, I don't know. I thought about the phone again. Maybe I could try and strike another chance at attempting to get help for all of us, but I doubted myself for a moment. I nearly lost my hearing last time, why would I go again?

Pulling out the flashlight from my bag, I carefully stepped over everyone and headed out of the bedroom back to the study.


Walking down these hallways by myself felt much scarier than when I was with Flamez. I was happy I didn't need to use my flashlight other than when I had to leave the bedroom. I kind of found no use for it, to be honest.

As I stopped in my tracks to remember where the study was, I heard footsteps. I assumed someone heard me and they came to look for me, so I went back to the bedroom. Opening the door, I realised everyone was still asleep so I closed the door again and retraced my steps to get back where I was. Eventually I decided to continue my walk to the study, and while making my way there, I kept thinking about Kinnie. I wonder where she is and I do hope she comes to find us in the morning.

I reached the study, opening the door to see no difference in the room. I reached for the phone, dialling the same number that I used last time, 911.

I waited for a few moments, holding the phone further away in case the same thing happens again.

'911, what's your emergency?'

"Hello? Hi, Me and my friends are stuck inside this house in the middle of nowhere, one of our friends died too."

There was silence. But surprisingly, I got an actual response. I kept the conversation going and provided as much information that I could and what happened before we got here. I was almost in tears, we were finally gonna get out of this mess, even with one casualty.

That was until when Kinnie entered the room.

"Kinnie? How did you find me?!" I asked.

"You were loud enough for me to hear, that's for sure. I'm surprised you didn't wake the others up!" Kinnie smiled. She seemed.. More excited than I thought.

"Well, whatever, I finally got the police on the phone and we're finally getting out of here!" I exclaimed. Kinnie seemed less enthusiastic than I was, a small sign of disinterest in her face.

"Uh, cool, I guess.. I mean, I kinda knew it was bound to happen, but, uh.. Cool..!"

Strange, it almost felt like I wasn't talking to the real Kinnie. But it must've been the argument, right?

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