chapter 6

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So hey guys. Here's another chapter and please read my chapters and vote as well. Please do that I will really appreciate it thank you.

Samantha's [p.o.v.]

When I wake up in the morning I realise Bryan is not here anymore. So I wake up and go to my room to have a shower when I hear someone scream. Thats sounds like a girl. Oh no! Emily..

I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen to see that the whole kitchen is black and the pan is on fire on the stove. I look at Em in horror but she is looking at the frying pan that is currently on fire.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?",I scream at her and she looks at me sheepishly.

"Well I Tried to make breakfast for us but we can all see how that turned out!",she says pointing at the stove.

Oh god! how do we off the flame. And where the hell is Bryan,he should have been here by now to help us.

"Where is Bryan?",I ask looking around to put off the flame.

"His gone to get the fire extinguisher. He'll be back any minute hopefully",She says coming to stand next to me.

Oh good! So that's wht I couldn't find him in his room when I woke up today.

Two minutes later Bryan runs into the kitchen with the fire extinguisher. He immediately puts out the fire and we all release a breath we were holding. We look at the kitchen and then at Emily.

"Sorry, I almost burn't your kitchen and your house down today",she says looking at us apologetically. "I just wanted to make you'll breakfast since I knew you two went to sleep late last night".

"It's ok Em. That was very sweet of you",Bryan says putting a hand on her shoulder and smiling down at her.

I nod in agreement but one thought comes to my mind as we stand in the kitchen. I mean part of the kitchen that didn't get burn't.

"So what Now?",I ask looking at the two of them. Emily shrugs her shoulder in response and Bryan seems to be thinking.

Oh goodness! What now?please give us a way..

"Okay lets go to school and when we come back we will clean up?",he says but it sounds more like a question.

"That's sound like a plan",I say nodding my head in understanding.

"Right! Now we are getting late so let's hurry up and get ready",Emily says but we still stand there. "I said go!".

Twenty minutes later we are in school but we still have five minutes untill school starts l. So I go to my locker to put my extra books and exchange them for my chemistry book.

I speed walk to my class and sit down at the back of the class. Whilst I'm getting ready for the lesson the bell goes and the teacher walks in and starts speaking.

Ten minutes later the door slams open and in walks the bad boy of our school. His also known as luke Chamberlin.

"You are late Mr Chamberlin!", our chem teacher mrs Mendez states looking angry." That's detention!".

"Whatever!",he says looking around the classroom. He spits me and he starts walking towards me. Oh no!

He comes and sits right next to me but I look straight at the board and continue taking down notes.

"So Hey!",he says quietly so that only I can hear.

"Hey",I state looking back at the board. "I just wanted to say thank you for helping me yesterday".

"It's no problem at al".

"But is there anyway I can repay you".

He thinks so for a minute berfore he smirks. Oh I know that smirk very well. His gonna ask for something way to big and it will probbably benefit his huge ego.

"Actually there is a way. You can be my friend?", he asksgiving me a half sided smile.

Should I really take this offer?no way his only doing it for his own benefit. But he did say that's the only way I can repay him.

"Hello earth to Samantha!",he says waving his hand in front of my face.

I snap out of my thoughts  and loom at him questionally. And then I remember his questions. Guess I have to give him an answer.

"I'd love to be your friend and you can call me Sam!",I say smiling at him. Just then the buzzer hoes and I go to my locker. When I open my locker I see a note fall down on the floor. I put my books in my locker and puck up the note. What i read made my heart jump.

It read:" dear Samantha I'm so sorry about want happened yesterday. It was all my fault and I already told Aubrey to leave you alone. I hope to see you la5er on and apologise.  So I'll see you later. Bye".
-nick Chamberlin.

I throw the letter in my locker and rush to my next class. Luckily I don't share this class with anyonei know.

The rest of the day goes like a blur and  then I realise that it's my last period of the day which is p.e and I hate that subject. As I'm walking down the hall someone shouts my name and when I turn around its Nick.

I stop in my tracks and wait for him to walk up to me. I look at him and smile my heart beating like crazy.

"Hey Samantha. I hope you got my letter?",he says looking at him in hope.

"Yeah I did and you don't haveto worry it wasn't  your fault at all. I didn't see where i was going.",I say feeling guilty.

"No it was my fault so please jus5 accept my apology and if you really can forgive me please come to my party this weekend?",he asks looking hopeful.

"Of course I,d love to but I don't know where you stay and stuff?",I state smiling sheepishly.

"Just give me your number and I'll text you the details".

We exchange our phones and I type my number in h8s phone and he does the same.we quickly say our goodbye and I go to my class whilst he goes to his.

For once I do my laps with a smile and I'm quite happy. But my happiness will never last long something or the other will go wrong. Hopefully this tome it will be different.

Hey guys sorry this is a crappy chapter but it was just a filler for the next chapter. Find out what will happen next.

Hope you enjoyed.thank you.

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Love you guys...♥️💙💙😍

-uzziele102 🌼🌺🌸💞

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