chapter 8💙💞🌸

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Hey guys so I have decided to update another chapter since I had taken so long to update berfore.


Samantha's [p.o.v.]

It's currently Friday and I'm sitting in history. My least favourite class but I'm just waiting for the bell to go so I can go and eat. I'm literally starving.

Whilst I'm lost in my thoughts about food I didn't hear the chair next to me scraping and someone is sitting next to me.

"So Hi!,"someone says next to me. I jump in shock and accidently hit my leg on the table.

"Owww! What the hell!"I say running my sore foot. "Don't you know not to scare someone like that. Who the hell are you,let me see who you are so I can beat you to a pulp."

"Feisty I like that but anyway it's me. One of your friends," this person says sounding amused. Hey wait!that voice sounds familiar.

When I turn around i see that it's Luke. Oh shit!I just embarrassed myself in front of him.what do I do?

"Well you can't do anything about it and besides you looked cute acting all scary and stuff."

Huh? Did I say that out loud.

"Yes,yes you did,"he says trying hard not to laugh at me but he fails miserably and very soon he is laughing so hard that he's holding his stomach.

Hmphh. I sit down in annoyance and the teacher looks livid at us whilst the students are looking confused as to why he is laughing.

"Is there some thing funny Mr Chamberlin?"our teacher,Mr Scott asks looking at him specifically.

"Yes there is and it's definitely not you or your dumb class,"he says finally composing himself. I just look at him with my mouth wide open and the rest of the class erupts in laughter.

Mr Scott looks so angry and his face is so red that he looks like he is going to explode because of his anger.

"Mr Chamberlin out if my class now!"he all but screams at him. Okay that's taking it to far because this class sucks and secondly because Luke is my friend.

"Gladly!"he shrugs and starts walking out if the class. Oh I'm going to regret this so bad.

"Wait!"I say stopping luke in his tracks. He turns around and lift one of his perfect eyebrows in question.

"What is it Miss Adams?"Mr Scott asks looking exasperated and tired.

"I just wanted to say that luke is right and this class really does suck,"I scream making everyone erupt in laughter one again.

"That's it. Miss Adams out of my class as well!"he screams again getting redder than a tomato.

Oh gladly you annoyingly boring sob! I think in my mind.

"What did you say?"he asks getting angrier. Oh shit I said that out loud again.

"I said nothing!"I start panicking but I guess he heard it because he was so angry I thought he would really explode.

"Oh I heard you so now tell me what you said?"

"Well if you heard me then why do you want me to say it again. Are you dead 9r is it because of old age?"I ask smirking at him and internally I'm jumping in excitement because of my sudden courage.

"That's no way to speak to your teacher miss Adams," he says sternly.

"So what!"luke suddenly say from behind me. I even forgot he was still there. "You gonna kick us out of the class again grandpa."

Luke is the one now smirking whilst everyone is still laughing and Mr Scott is fuming with anger that you could see steam coming out of his ears. Just joking that only happens in movies.

"THAT'SENOUGH YOU TWO,"Mr Scott shouts making everyone go silent instantly. "YOU BOTH YAVE DETENTION!"

what I can't have detention. In fact I have never had detention in my life. I have always had a perfect school record.
"But I h..."i was cut off by the bell ringing. Really now you decide to go. Everyone exits the class so I pack my things and walk out and into the cafeteria.


Twenty minutes later Em and I are sitting at our table whilst I tell her about what happened in history .

"What! Are you serious?"she screams so put that my ears will burst one of theses days.

"Ahh! And yes it did happen but I was just as shocked about my confidence in history,"I says eating my sandwich.

"I'm not talking about that,"she says waving me off about the history incident. "I'm talking about you being friends with Luke Chamberlin. When did this happen?"

"Well it happened yesterday in chemistry class."


"Well because i thought he was joking but I guess I was wrong,"I admit to her feeling guilty.

"Okay so do you guys have each others..,"she stops talking and her eyes go wide like sauces.

"Hello Em you okay or have your batteries being drained out?"I ask chuckling at her face.

"J-just t-turn around."

She only had to say that berfore i turn around so fast that I'm shocked my neck didn't make a cracking sound. What i see shocks me. It can't be.

It's luke and all his friends are standing there looking at us looking at them with their trays of food. Are they gonna sit here?

"Can we sit here?"Isaac says looking at us with that irritiating smirk that they always have no on their faces.

"Uhh sure?"Em says uncertainty. I just keep staring at them in shock. Seriously he decides to sit with us today.

"Take a picture it will last longer,"Ben says his smirk getting bigger.

"Whatever!"I say rolling my eyes at him. "Anyway what are all of you doing here?"

"Well we came to sit with our new friends;"isaac says in a 'duh' tone.

"Okay you may sit,"Em says quickly. Well too quickly for my liking.

They all take a seat. Luke is sitting on my left whilst Ben is sitting on my right and cole is sitting on Em's left and Isaac is sitting on her right.

She is looking at him weirdly and she is only talking to him leaving cole 9it but he doesn't notice as he is talking to luke.

As I eat my sandwich someone pokes me and I see that it is Ben.I look at him questionally.

"I was just wondering if we could get to know each other?"he says looking nervous and he is scratching 5he back if his neck.

"Of course!let's play twenty questions?"I ask looking at him with a small smile on my face.

And so that's how the rest of the break goes by untill it's time to go to our next class. We all say our goodbye and I remind myself to ask Em whats going between her and Isaac.

Let's hope I remember. Now time for English my favourite subject. yay!

Hey guys!so what do you think of this chapter. I'm sorry told it's a bit boring but I was writing whilst I had a killer headache.

So guys please vote and comment on this chapter♡♡♡

Love you guys♥️♥️💓

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