Chapter 1

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(A/N: This is my first story so please don't be hard on me. There may be spelling errors idk. Hope you enjoy this story.)

Chapter 1:

Michael's POV

As I hear my phone alarm play AC/DC waking me up, I groggily get out of bed starting my morning routine. I get dressed, grab my pack of cigarettes and cane, and head downstairs where I see my parents at the table drinking coffee acting all lovey dovey and shit. "Fucking conformists..." I mutter under my breath in disgust, I seriously don't understand what these conformists see about love. It's just some stupid phase that conformists go through thinking it would make life less painful. Love isn't real. I grabbed my cup of coffee and headed out the door with my music playing full blast.

As I was walking my way to school I get text from Pete:

Pete: Hey Michael can you meet us at the front of the school.

Michael: Why?

Pete: The damn principal chained and locked up the back gate.

Michael: Well I'm almost there, maybe I can break the lock.

Pete: I doubt it man that lock is strong.

We tried to break it but didn't put out a dent.

Michael: What about picking the lock?

Pete: Done that and nothing.

Even Firkle can't get it.

Michael: Wow.

Well, I guess we have no choice but to go through all the conformists and posers to get to the door to the back.

Pete: Yeah

And I left my smokes in my locker.

Michael: Whatever :p

You are so forgetful.

I look up from my phone and I see the rest of my group. I walk up to them to greet them and we all head into the school following Pete to his locker to grab his cigarettes. "Man, you don't know how bad I need a smoke right now from trying to bust down that lock." Pete says exhaustingly. "Looks like the principal is really wanting us to go to class; well that's not happening no matter how hard he tries." Henrietta chimes in.

We all start chatting as we all head to the back door. As I was talking to the guys I wasn't looking where I was going and I bump into someone. I stumbled backwards a little and rubbed my forehead where I got bumped and looked at the person.

It was a girl with (h/l) black hair with the end tips red, (e/c) eyes, wearing an inverted pentagram top with a leather jacket, black jeans, black heeled ankle boots, she was also wearing black eyeliner and mascara, her nails were painted black and they like claws while holding a dark purple and black parasol. That girl was you.

She rubbed her forehead in pain and then she looked up at me annoyed like. "Hey watch where you're going you conformi-"

I was going to finish what I was about to say until she punched me up in my jawline making me fall backwards landing on my butt; everyone in the hallway was silent from the commotion we caused. I look up at her with anger and fear on my face while rubbing my jaw for comfort. I was going to yell at her again, but as soon I caught a glimpse at her face I froze. Her eyes were a crimson red looking down on me. I could've sworn that they were (e/c).

She walked past me and my friends down the hallway while we just stood there watching her with shocked faces. Pete asked if I was alright, but I didn't respond because I was speechless for what just happened. I shook off the feeling and we all continued to walk to the back door as we were walking and some kids were gossiping about the little incident like "Did you see that? The new girl kicked that goth kid's ass.", "I don't want to get on that new girl's bad side.", and "Looks like the vamp got what was coming to him". That last comment I cringed at as we finally made it to the back, only to be greeted by the principal. "Thought you can get away like that?! Get your asses into class!" Great.

So, we all went our separate ways to our classes, as I headed to my class I couldn't help but think of that girl and how her eyes were red like the devil. I tried to get those thoughts out of the way and think that it was nothing and that I hope I don't run into her again. I opened the door to my class ...

And I immediately regretted it.

(A/N: First chapter in the story, Yay! I will soon upload more chapters soon so stay tuned my readers. Sayonara)~798 words

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