Chapter 16

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*Petra's p.o.v*

''LET THEM GO!'', I scream as some men put Raymond and Vanessa in a truck and drive off. Caleb immediately contacts the authorities about the kidnapping. We walk back to the reception shuttered. We dismiss everyone from the reception informing them of what just happened and drive to the police station.
Caleb finds a good parking spot and we walk out of the car.

''Hello. Welcome to NYPD, how may I help you?'', the officer at the front desk asks.

''We're here to report a kidnapping'', I state.

''Of who to be precise?''

''Raymond Smith and Vanessa Miller'', Caleb tells him.

''Alright. I'll go get the chief for you''

''Thanks'', we say and he walks out.

In less than five minutes, the officer walks in and shows leads us to the chief's office. We step inside to meet a middle-aged black man with a huge smile on his face. He stands up to greet us.

''Hi, I'm Officer Mclain. I'm the chief officer of the Manhattan police department. How may I help you?''

''Our friends got married this afternoon but they were kidnapped by some men about an hour ago'', Caleb narrates while holding my hands in a way of comforting me.

''And that's Vanessa and Raymond right?''


''Do you know if they had enemies?

''Well, not really but her ex boyfriend might be behind this'', I say to him.

''Oh really? Did he ever hurt her?''
''Jay actually kidnapped her about four months ago and he's actually in prison now''

''That doesn't really help now but do you have anything that will help us track them, like a phone?''

''Oh shoot! They left their phones with us'', Caleb exclaims.

''Wait!'', I blurt out and they both turn to look at me.

''Yes, Mrs. Hernandez?''

''I gave Nessa a cloud necklace with a tracking device in it''
Caleb's eyes are so wide, I feel like they're gonna jump out.


''Yes I know it's weird but I had a nightmare about the wedding. I felt something like this would happen that's why I placed the tracking device in the necklace'', I explain.

''Okay. Did you connect it to any device to help us get their location?'', the chief asks.

''Actually, I did. The app is on my phone'', I state.

''Alright. We'll make one of our I.T men to go home with you''

''Sure. Thank you so much sir'', Caleb tells him.

''Pleasure's all mine'', the chief says and they shake their hands.
Back at the front desk, the officer introdues us to the I.T guy, Gavin. He follows us to our car in we drive home. As soon as we get home, I drag myself to bed and sob. Caleb comes upstairs and tries to calm me down but I weep uncontrollably.

''Everything is gonna be fine. We'll find them''

Sniffing my nose,''I hope so''
Just then, Gavin walks into our room. He gives us an apologetic smile and I nod.

''I'm sorry to walk in without knocking but can I please have your phone?''

''Sure'', handing my phone to him.

''What's the code?''

''It's 310...''

''Thanks'', Gavin says and sits on my desk while he works to track them down. Caleb tries to calm me down saying the stress is not good for the baby. He rubs my stomach and of course, our little boy kicks. I smile at the effect he has on the baby.

''Guys, I think I've got something'', Gavin says walking over to the bed with his laptop.

''Thankfully, they're still in the country and still in New York''

Oh thank goodness!

''But where exactly are they?'', Caleb asks.

''I'm still tryna figure it out. It seems they're in a moving vehicle. Don't worry, I'll find them'', he assures us and walks out to the study with Caleb. Immediately, they walk out, my tiredness gets over me and I fall into a deep slumber.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It's eight in the morning and we're back at the station trying to locate Raymond and Vanessa. The chief hands me a bottle of water and I thank him.

''I got it! I got it! I found them'', Gavin jubilates.

''Wohoo!'', Caleb exclaims and I giggle.

''So, where are they?'', the chief asks moving closer to Gavin.

''They're about three miles away in the outskirts of East Avenue''

''East Avenue?!'', I shout spitting my water out of my mouth.

''Yes ma'am. They're at an abandoned gasoline warehouse'', Gavin states. I gasp.

The chief immediately calls for back up and they go with Caleb to the warehouse. Caleb texts me on their way and I can't help but feel anxious. The chief calms me down with a breathing exercise. Few minutes later, Caleb calls me.

''Hey honey''


''Bad news is the warehouse was burnt down. The fire fighters are here''. My heart sinks.

''Good news is, we found her necklace but no dead bodies''

''Phew'', I exhale feeling relieved.

''The police thinks they might be around here''

''I...'', I'm interrupted by an incoming call from an unknown number. I hesitate for a while but I answer it putting Caleb on hold.


''Petra!'', as soon as I hear her voice, I almost drop my phone.

''Nessa! Oh my God, where are you guys?''

''We're on the high at East Avenue''

''Okay, don't move. Caleb is on his way''

''We'll be waiting'', she says at hungs up. I immediately inform Caleb and he assures me he'll bring them home.

* * *
You can breath again. They're save😂.

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