Chapter 18

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*Vanessa's p.o.v*

       I shake my head when Caleb starts rapping. He actually thinks he's a rapper. Raymond and I are at his house playing some games. I'm actually here cause Petra could give birth in any moment. I've been here for fairly over an hour and she hasn't. She's just been complaining of contractions but she's fine.
''Brand new lamborghini fuck a cop car
With a pistol on my hip like I'm a cop''
''Yeah yeah yeah'', Raymond backs him up. I just laugh

Looking at Petra,''...She saw me killing a nigga  in front of her before the age of two
And I'd kill another nigga too before I let another nigga do something to you''. She blows him a kiss. These two are adorable.

''When were you a DaBaby fan?'', I ask.

''Girl, come on. I've always been''

''Since when?'', Raymond cuts in.

''Since day one''

''Yeah right'', Petra says rolling her eyes.

I feel thirsty so I get and walk to the kitchen. In the kitchen, I take a bottle of water out from the fridge. I almost drop the bottle when someone's hands go round my waist. I calm down when I smell the familiar scent of Raymond's cologne. He kisses my neck.

''Do you have any idea how beautiful you look right now?'', he asks and continues the assault on my neck.

I moan,''Yesss''.
Raymond turns me and picks me up. He places me on the kitchen counter.

''Ray, not here...'', he cuts me off by pressing his lips against mine. I love it when he knows how to shut me up. He unbuttons my shirt . He's about to unclasp my bra when I hear a loud cry. He pulls away.

''What was that?'', Raymond asks.


'' It's Petra'', I whisper. We quickly fix ourselves up and run to the living room. Petra's holding her baby bump breathing rapidly. I rush over to her side.

''It's okay. I'm here''. She nods.

''Breathe in''. She does.

''Breathe out''. I bend down in front of her. That's when I feel a cold liquid on my foot.

''I think my water just broke'', Petra says. Caleb and Raymond look horrified.

''Get the car!'', I shout to Caleb. He picks the car keys and runs out the house. Raymond moves over to us and helps me pick Petra up. We carry her to the car. I get in the back sit. Raymond lays her down with her head on my lap. He gets in the passenger seat and Caleb drives off. We continue with the breathing exercise. I fan her. Caleb looks at on the rare view mirror.

''We're almost there. How are you feeling?''

''Are you seriously asking me how I'm feeling?! I feel like SHIT!''

''Petra, calm down''

''No! I wouldn't be going through this pain if you just kept your DICK in your FUCKING PANTS!'', she yells at him.

''Hey! You made me'', Caleb defends himself.

''FUCK YOU!... OW!!''
I know she doesn't mean it. It's just the pain.

''We're here'', Raymond announces. Caleb parks the car in the parking lott and rushes to our side. Raymond calls for a nurse. She brings a wheelchair. Caleb sits Petra down in it and the nurse takes her inside. The guys are made to wait behind while I follow Petra into the delivery room.

       I help her put on the blue patient rope. She lays back on the bed and the doctor walks in with a nurse.
''Alright, Mrs. Smith, you're gonna help your friend here deliver okay?''.

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