Chapter 19

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*Raymond's p.o.v*

As I watch Vanessa through the window watering the plants outside the garden, I remember the second time we met.


Renee has invited me to come over her house. I'm not create with girls so I go with Caleb. I know a lot of girls are obsessed with me. They always tell me how good I look with my chestnut brown hair, hazel eyes and tanned skin. Caleb practically drags me to the front door. Renee opens the door and steps aside for us to walk in. I offer her a smile and walk in. I turn around to see Caleb flirting with her. I shake my head. As soon as I turn around, my body slumbs into someone. The flower pot in her hand falls to the ground. The crashing sound catches the attention of the others. We quickly go down to pick the pieces up and our hands meet. I look up to see... her.

''Oh, it's you'', she says with no expression on her face.

''Yes. I'm so sorry'', I apologize slightly embarrased.
She takes the pieces from my hand and walks away to the kitchen. I clean my hands with a rag on the island and walk back to the living room. I sit on the love seat. Caleb returns with Renee. One of her friends, Petra, comes down the stairs. She offers me a smile and sits next to me.

''Where's my bestie?'', she asks looking over at Renee.

''I don't know. She was working on the garden'', Renee responds.

''You mean, the brunette?'', I ask.

''Yes, me''. I look up and see her. I haven't really got her name. I blush. She looks away and sits on the couch.

''Why don't we watch a movie?'', Caleb suggests.
''I'll get the snacks'', the brunette offers.

''I'll help'', I tell her. She nods.
We walk into the kitchen. I take the chips and popcorn. She grabs the drinks and places them on the kitchen countertop. I move closer to her and whisper in her ear.

''You know, I never got your name last time sweetie''

She turns around and glares at me. ''I'm Vanessa''

''Beautiful name for a beautiful girl'', I flirt.

''Cliche' '', she says rolling her eyes.

I touch her cheek and she blushes.
''You know, you look cute when you're annoyed''

Vanessa punches my shoulder.
''Jerk''. She laughs.

Her laughter is contagious. I'm just inches away from her lips when Petra walks in catching us off guard...

(End of flashblack.)

Renee. I haven't heard from her in a while. No one knows where she is. I push her out of my mind when I see my wife walking in. Vanessa walks into the kitchen through the back door. She smiles when she sees me staring at her. Today's her birthday. She hadn't seen me this morning. I had to go to the bakery to pick up the cake I ordered. I know she'll love it. She walks up to me and pecks my lips.

''Happy birthday Nessa'', I say to her. She kisses me again.

''Thank you Ray''. I move to the kitchen countertop and unwrap the cake. It's a chocolate with an inscription, 'MY LOVE' on it.

Vanessa beams when she sees the cake. She immediately stuffs her face with the cake. I laugh at her reaction cutting a slice myself. Vanessa quickly rewraps the cake putting it in the fridge.

''Umm... I wasn't done with that'', I say to her.

''You don't need that. I have something much better in mind''. She winks at me.

''And what could be better than cake?'', I ask grinning from ear to ear.

Biting her lip,''Me''

Damn, this girl does things to me.

She kisses me roughly and I greedily kiss her back. Her hands are draped behind my neck. Vanessa comes up her tip toes as I kiss her hungrily. I back away
''Remember that time at Renee's house?''

''Yeah, I called you jerk''. She giggles.

''That was rude''


''Why's that?''
''Cause you still are'', she smirks.
''Oh no you didn't''. I move closer to her. I cup her ass through her skintight jeans and keep kissing her lips. She moans into my mouth. I groan. My tongue dips into her collarbone. I back away to catch my breath. Vanessa smiles at me.


''Yes, Ray?''

''How many times have I told you that I'm hopelessly in love you?''
She giggles, ''Countless''

''Hmm...''. I move closer to her and kiss her neck.

''Wanna try something new today?'', I grin.

She looks both shocked and aroused. I quickly pick her up heading towards the bedroom.
''You savage''

''I'm a savage for you''. I kiss her. When we reach the bedroom, I throw her and the bed and pull my shirt over my head. She does the same.

I smirk,''No bra?''

''No bra''

''Damn, girl'', I say and jump on the bed.

* * *
Raymond's been drooling over Nessa for a while now😂😏. Next update soon...
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