Chapter 12.

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"Shit" I mutter as I hear a robot get closer, I slowly turn around and make eye contact with a cleaning robot "ehehe, hi." I greet waving my hand slowly and backing away behind She-Ra.

The robot gets closer and we run away, it's getting closer so I speed up "Isn't it adorable?" Entrapta asks us

"Yes, yes, very cute." I say nicely as we run.

We stop when we hear a clank, I turn around to see the robot stuck behind some pieces of the castle "ha! take that ya big lump a trash! no offense Entrapta. Can't get us now! can ya?" I mock.

Suddenly it roars "Oh, me and my big mouth." I mutter I hear a grunt and see She-Ra squatting down, holding her head in pain,

"It's trying to talk." Entrapta points out.

"Whatever it's saying, it's probably not good." Glimmer says as Entrapta runs at the robot.

"Entrapta! get back here right now!" I yell.

I kneel beside Adora worried for her "Make it stop." Adora says in pain

"make what stop?" Glimmer asks

"Adora, what's wrong?" I begin to panic.

"Entrapta! what did I say!?" I scold the girl. I rub She-Ra's arm gently to try and calm her and it works slightly but she grunts in pain again.

I suddenly hear a shriek that sounded like Entrapta, and then a pained yell. I look behind me to see Entrapta's hair stuck in the robot. "Entrapta!" I yell.

She-Ra quickly gets up and draws her sword, "Princess!" she yells and jumps into action, the robot stops and Entrapta's hair gets out of it.

Entrapta laughs jumping down, and I immediately hug her, checking her for injures "I told you multiple times not to go near things that can kill you, and what do you do? you go near a killer machine." I scold.

I look up and She-Ra is still striking the robot with her sword. Glimmer teleports to Adora to stop her from attacking the robot "She-Ra, stop!" Glimmer yells.

But She-Ra keeps on hitting it, I get up onto the robot to help "Adora, calm down! what's going on with you?" I turn her around and her eyes are red and so is the gem on the sword.

Oh, god dammit, I forgot this part. She-Ra gets ready to punch me but I dodge it, and many more. "Adora! it's me! (Y/n)-" I get cut off when she punches me in the stomach.

I end up falling off the robot "(Y/n)!" Glimmer yells, I cough a bit while getting back up, but answer

"I'm fine, just got the wind knocked out of me."

"Turn it off, turn it off!" Glimmer finally gets the sword off of She-Ra and we see Adora again.

Glimmer is resting adora on her lap while supporting her head, Adora isn't waking up and Glimmer and I are really worried.

"Adora, please, wake up." I beg taking her from Glimmer and put her forehead on mine. I put her head on my lap and pat her head lightly.

Entrapta's hair taps Adora's face "the tall one seems to be infected, too. She's turned less tall. How does it work?" she asks

"Entrapta, she's not a machine, she's a human, our friend." I explain.

"And what do you mean, she's infected, too?" Glimmer asks

"It's really fascinating. I've been experimenting with a disc recovered from a mine, in Dryl." Entrapta explains making a swirly disc with her hair.

"It was a game changer. It held more complete First Ones code than anything I'd every seen before. But it seems to have reacted with the First Ones tech that powers my bots." Entrapta says

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