The trap is set! (Chapter I)

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He was so angry and upset that he started shaking, while still holding the knife. He looked at that woman, his longtime tormentor, and decided he isn't like her. He told her: Drown in your own dirt, Seniz, as he threw the knife and started walking.

He reached the elevator and entered. Sharp pain from his wound reminded him of the events that have just occurred. He was scared and curious, would she have actually done it, would she actually go so far as to kill me?

He had put his hands in his pockets, looked very nervous and guilty, he felt like it as well. Once again, he fell right into Seniz's trap. He almost ran away from the hotel and once again, he was almost hit by a car. He was suddenly under a bridge where he stopped to think about everything that had just occurred.

His soul was wounded more than his hand. Could it be true, that his father never loved him? That he was just a burden for his beloved uncle? There was only one person he wanted to see right now. He needed her so much. His hemsire, his Cemre. He smiled faintly remembering her words: 'No matter what happens to us...'

Then he returned to his reality. She refused his hand. She took the hand of his cousin. She isn't his Cemre anymore. One hot tear started burning his cheek. He had so many questions and he made a decision. He won't be silent anymore. She did so much for him, he never even took a step towards her. He will respect her decision, but now, he needs to talk to her, as she is the only person who can understand him.

His phone rang. It was Ceren. He rolled his eyes and ignored the call.

His hand was bleeding profusely, he knew he had to call his uncle and tell him what had happened. He caught a taxi and went to the villa.

He had arrived at the same time as Cemre and Cenk. When she saw him, her face turned pale: - Nedim, are you OK? Nedim did something happen? - she asked with such a worrying voice.

His face started twitching again as if to say something, but he couldn't say a single word. When he entered the house, everyone was there, his uncle, Damla and Ceren. His uncle approached him with a furrowed brow and asked: - What is the matter, my lion? Did something happen, you sounded strange over the phone, repeating that something had happened. What, lion, what?

He finally took his hands out of the pockets. His whole body was shaking: Uncle, I... I made a mistake, uncle... A big mistake...

He didn't have time to finish his sentence when a police siren was heard in the backyard.

Nedim just stood there, with his hands out of his pockets, when Damla pointed at him, very worried. - What did you do, Nedim? Whose blood is that? Did you do something to my mother? - she started screaming and pointing at him.

Cemre approached Damla, gently pushing her hand away from Nedim's direction, looking at her beloved man with pain, unable to force herself to go to him, as 3 police officers had entered the salon and one of them asked while approaching him: - Nedim Karacay? You are under arrest for the attempted murder of Seniz Karacay.

This next part was like a blur, he remembers the silver shine of the handcuffs that they tied him up with, Damla's screaming: - You killed my mother, You are a killer, Cemre yelling: - I am with you, running to him and trying to protect him from these attacks, his uncle calmly explaining there has got to be a mistake, his nephew would never do such a thing and Cenk's silence.

Cenk knew very well what kind of person his mother is, so he decided to be quiet for now. But, when Cemre said, I'll go to be with him, he quickly turned against his cousin: - You will go to support my mother's killer, Cemre? It wasn't enough I tried to kill myself for him, now he tried to kill my mother?

Only at that moment, when police officers placed him in the back of their car, he realized the seriousness of the situation. His mouth started twitching again, once again Seniz had managed to make his life worse.

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