Nedim and Cemre vs Karacay family (Chapter II)

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His arrest was highly publicized. Media had already swarmed the precinct before he had even arrived. But, in the crowd, he saw two familiar faces, his uncle and Cemre. Despite everything, she was there for him.

He was arrested for the murder of his mortal enemy, and everyone knew about their history. He is the last person to talk to her, he was seen there by multiple witnesses and he had the motive. Also, his handprints were on a murder weapon.

As always, Seniz's trap was perfect. She planted enough evidence that would assure a conviction. He was living on a borrowed time. But the next blow would hurt him like no other, pain sharper than the one in his hand.

His uncle, a man he tried to protect from Seniz's lies for so long, doubted him. He asked him, bluntly, Did you do it, my lion? A man can make a mistake in a fit of rage, it is a human thing to do. His words were assuring, yet his eyes have already decided he is guilty.

Once again, he couldn't win his uncle's trust against Seniz. It is like she had him under her spell. A hot tear rolled over Nedim's cheek, as he pulled away from the bars. He averted his eyes, so his uncle doesn't see his weakness. - So, you have already decided I did it, or else you wouldn't ask me. This visit is over, amcam. Jailer! - he yelled with a mix of bewilderment and pain. His voice cracked as he yelled once again, with his back turned: Jailer! The visitor is leaving!

His only hope, his beacon of light was her. Even though she refused his hand yesterday, he hoped Cemre would believe him. She learned about all the evil Seniz had done to him and she understood this is just another one of her tricks.

Cemre was sitting in the hallway, waiting for Agah to come out. She saw him, angry. She approached him and before she had the opportunity to ask him, he shouted: - How couldn't I see the blackness in his heart? How couldn't I see the ambition and rage in his eyes? It is over now, hemsire. He will pay for what he had done. Justice will be swift and precise. - He raised his finger at her and said, menacingly: - And you won't do anything to stop it, right?

She swallowed, hard. She got very scared for Nedim. From now on, she was the only person in this world who had believed him. He had nobody but her.

She looked at Agah's eyes and said, fearlessly: - I will do what I had always done, I will fight to right the wrong your family is doing to Nedim. I am convinced this is another one of your wife's games. Also, I will no longer play by your rules. My fake marriage to your son is over. I will tell Nedim everything you have done to keep us apart.

- Hemsire, know your place. For all I know, he could have forged those papers. I am no longer sure if I should have ever trusted him... or you... I will no longer support your insolence and disrespect towards me and my family. You are wasting your time. He will pay... and the company will stay in capable hands.

And there it was. The truth she had feared for so long. Now it was clear. Nedim was never a person to him, but a commitment his brother entrusted him with. As soon as Nedim was back on his feet and fighting for himself, Agah started to show his true face.

Cemre knew she needed help to find some proof of Seniz's wrongdoing. While she had waited for the jailer to let her in, her eyes met with Cenk's. He came to see what opinion he should have about the situation.

At first, he was almost sure it was all a trap concocted by his scheming mother, but, as he saw all the evidence against Nedim, fueled by his hate of his cousin and the sight of Cemre worrying about him, he had decided that Nedim is guilty and he has to be taken away. Maybe then his life will go back to be perfect, maybe then, if she understands that Nedim is a true monster, not him, maybe she will fall for him. - Cemre, listen to me, for once. I told you...

He immediately started spouting his well-known lines: - His eyes are filled with vengeance, he hates me and my mother more than he loves you, he finally took his revenge on my mother...

Cemre had enough, she refused to listen to Cenk's rhetoric and once again begged the jailer to let her in. - If only for 5 minutes, I just need to see him and tell him I am with him all the way. - she pleaded.

Jailer finally let her in to see Nedim, as Cenk's angry eyes gazed at her betrayal. He left the precinct in a fit of rage, but he waited in the car, seething. Suddenly, he calmed down and reflected a bit; the hearing was scheduled later that day, so with the mountain of evidence and the lack of alibi, his dear cousin will be sentenced for a long time. His mouth curved into a wicked smile.

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