Nedim learns the truth and the aftermath (Chapter III)

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She held back the tears when their eyes met. He jumped from his bench and ran to her, only bars separating them. She took his wounded hand gently, with both hands, like it was made of silk. He pulled back and asked her, dryly, - Why are you here, Cemre? Did you also come to ask me if I did it? - he held his head high, in anticipation of a crushing blow.

- I don't care about the reports, evidence, witnesses, even if the whole world says you did it, I know your soul, you would never hurt someone on purpose. - she looked at him lovingly. - The reason I didn't take your hand yesterday...

- It isn't important anymore, Cemre. I don't need to know. - he said, defeated. He really didn't want to know. He had made up his mind. He'll surrender. Only then, this madness will stop.

- No, this time you will listen to me, Nedim! - she said in a commanding tone. - It was your uncle. It was always your uncle. I... He told me, that time in the cabin, you will get better if you started to hate me... that's why I said all of those terrible things to you.

- Cemreh... - he looked at her with those big puppy eyes, relieved, yet confused. Why would his uncle do that to him? - Tell me... Tamam, tamam, tell me everything...

- Telling you those words was the hardest thing for me to do, she started, holding back the tears. - I wanted to tell you the opposite, because, at that time, I realized that I love you. But they convinced me, they told me, Agah bey and doctor Oya...

- Wait, Oya told you to tell me you feel pity for me? - Nedim was once again bewildered that day. Surprises kept piling up, and not at all pleasant ones.

- Yes. She advised us to treat you with anger and hate. Now that I think about it, it makes no sense, but, at the time, I was so desperate to see you heal, I couldn't refuse if there was even the slightest of chances...

He took her hand and kissed it gently. - All the sacrifices you made for me... And I...

He couldn't hold back the tears anymore. She looked at him meaningfully and continued. - Everything I have done so far was for you. I endured it all for you... but you hurt me... When you learned everything, why didn't you take at least a step towards me? - she urgently asked him.

- I... I couldn't... Because of Seniz. If she learned the truth about you and me, she would have hurt you. So, I couldn't. I could handle you away from me, but safe. I only wanted to keep you safe. Trust me, she is far worse than you can imagine. - he held her hand in the most delicate way possible like it is the most valuable thing in the world, and to him, it was.

- And Ceren? Did you and her... - she asked, dreading the answer.

- No, no, no, no, no! No matter how drunk, I wouldn't lay a single finger at your sister. It was another one of Seniz's traps, this time so she can take away the company from me, he belted out in a single breath.

She leaned on the bars to be closer to him, she could feel his breath on her cheek. She closed her eyes in anticipation.

He wanted to kiss her so badly, but... he wanted their first kiss to be special. However, given the fact he had already decided what needs to be done, he let down his guard, pulled her close to him, so only the bars were between them, and kissed her softly through the bars.

Her lips tasted like vanilla cinnamon and he was hungry for more. After that soft embrace, his lips explored her neck bit by bit. Both of them were surprised by the brazen manner they acted in such a forbidden place. He first came to his senses. - Not now, not this way... Sonra, Cemre.

She was in a daze. Nothing bothered her anymore, no false sense of morals nor this unusual place, so cold for such fire to burn. She knew, then and there, she was his until the end of time. Then, his words rang in her mind... - Sonra, Cemre. Later. Not now... Was it real or just a vivid fantasy?

It would have remained unspoken, because, before any of them had time to reflect on what had happened, Cemre's phone rang. It was the most important call, the one she had been waiting this whole day.

Right on time, police officers came to take Nedim away. They forcibly separated their hands to put handcuffs on him. It was time to take him in front of the judge to see if there is enough evidence for sentencing.

Before she left, she told him, I will always wait for you, that sham of marriage will be over as soon as possible.

As the police were taking him in the patrol car, Cenk appeared and started screaming that he will pay for what he had done to the family. But for Nedim, it was all white noise.

He had a plan in his head, soon, everything will be over. His family will be happy, Cemre will be free. Everyone wins. Everyone, except him.

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