Calm before the storm (Chapter VI)

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After all the necessary technicalities were finished and the initial shock has passed, Nedim's eyes were looking for Cemre all over the courtroom. He found her across the room and his honey eyes were full of immense gratitude and love. He knew she is the reason for this unexpected turn of events. She gave him a slight nod and a smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.

At this moment, everything else stopped being important; his lawyer telling him something in regards to the legal repercussions, his so-called family approaching him with questions, but all of it faded, she was the only clear image, tek bir hedef. He started walking to her, first slowly, then with every step with more determination. At this moment, only she mattered nothing else. She took a step towards him and they became one in a comforting embrace.

Nedim whispered in her ear, softly: 'I know I have you to thank for this. I don't know how you did it, but I know it was you.'

Cemre didn't say anything at first, she wanted time to stop so that they can stay intertwined for eternity.

- The important thing is that you are free now, never mind the rest. - Cemre muttered, blissfully.

Stay a little longer with me, don't leave me, don't go, they both thought, closing their eyes for a second, remembering the only perfect day they had spent together, on a boat. Before all the lies and betrayals, a day as pure and magical as a snowflake.

However, reality had soon set in when she grazed his hand with her hand and the two rings clinked, a reminder that for now, their love was impossible. She slowly backed away from him and she quickly became aware of the questioning eyes watching them in various forms: from Cenk's resentment to Agah's anger; from Ceren's approving look to Seniz's poisonous one. She knew she had hit the wasp's nest, and it was a matter of time when the wasp will attack back.

But that day wasn't today. Seniz had to regroup and regain the allegiance of her family. She had time to plan her next step, and she had a lot of patience. Like a tiger lurking for days for his prey.

Cenk made his move. He approached the pair with the grace of a hippo and dragged Cemre out of the courtroom, with her eyes not leaving Nedim for a second.

Finally, it was his breaking point. As they were leaving the Palace of Justice, he asked Cemre, point-blank: - Was it ever going to be me? Were you ever going to give US a chance?

She starred at him with her lips tightly pursed, for what seemed like an eternity. She answered with determination: - You and I married for a purpose. I married you so I can be closer to Nedim. There is no such thing as US. - she felt light as a feather. She proceeded calmly: I want a divorce. This marriage truly serves no purpose to either of us anymore.

- So, you want to leave me... and be with my cousin, is that right, Cemre? You embarrassed me with such public showing of affection TO YOUR SISTER'S HUSBAND in front of all those people, and now you want to leave ME? - he started shouting, unable to control himself. - YOU have no idea how much I have sacrificed for you. You have no regard for my feelings! You are so selfish! - he spouted all the things he could think of.

- Oh, really? - she became more agitated with every word he uttered. I don't owe you anything! I was honest with you from the start! I am grateful for the support you gave me, but you constantly expect me to save you! Only you can do that! Only you have the power to forgive yourself. And to ask forgiveness from those you have done bad things to. Look... Cenk... I know there is some goodness left in that heart of yours, why don't you try to mend your broken heart by asking for some professional help?

She couldn't finish her thought, because Ceren showed up and said she had to talk to her, but she did saw in the corner of her eye a terror that had flooded Cenk's face in that instant.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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