At the sentencing, three bombs will explode (Chapter IV)

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- This time, there will be no mistakes, Seniz thought while watching the spectacle from her hospital bed. - You lost, my dear Nedimcim. You tried to play in the big league and you lost everything. Your uncle's trust, your reputation, your company, and your freedom. And all of that at the price of these 6 stitches, she laughed at her wicked joke. She replayed the video of his arrest at least ten times. The fear she saw on his face feed her, she felt revitalized.

There, all alone, she relished at the idea of her enemy's ultimate defeat. She was only sorry she couldn't be there in person to gloat, but that would go against her plan of being a martyr. She had already gained back the trust of Cenk, now all she needed was for Agah to come to her... because of that, these videos and news footage would have to satisfy her thirst for vengeance. - This is for you, Mumtaz. Everything is your fault. Your little prince has been defeated by the red snake, she hissed while drifting away into slumber.

Outside the courthouse, news reporters and paparazzi were waiting alike. Damla gave several statements very unladylike in nature and she ended her address to the media with a parting thought: I HOPE THAT BASTARD ROTS IN PRISON!

Cenk, on the other hand, wasn't in the mood of acknowledging the media so he quickly moved away from the spotlight and without much pomp entered the courtroom.

Agah said that he would hold a press conference after sentencing and from that moment on said: No comment, to everything the press asked him.

At the sentencing, two people were suspiciously missing, Cemre and Ceren. All the witnesses were very convincing, painting a pretty damning picture, Nedim Karacay came into the hotel, looked angry and annoyed, stayed in Seniz Karacay's suite for approximately 8 minutes, left in a hurry, he was acting anxiously and averted his eyes from the front desk receptionist as he was swiftly and nervously walking away from the hotel. His hands were in his pockets.

Nedim's lawyer presented an alternative theory which he tried to corroborate by showing off the listing of calls directed towards Nedim by Seniz on that faithful day (more than 10 in one hour), as well as the medical records of defendant Nedim Karacay, which prove that he is in a serious mental and physical disadvantage in comparison to other people his age who haven't suffered similar traumas. In short, even though he is a 26-year-old man, his brain is currently at a stage of a 16 or 17-year-old boy. A brilliant one, but still a teenager.

The judge wasn't convinced, so he asked Nedim does he have anything to say in his defense. All eyes were pointed at him, so when he said, in a very demure voice, I don't, your honor, the silence was deafening.

- Son, the judge told him, you do realize the consequence of such actions?

- Yes, your honor, Nedim said, fidgeting with his tie. - I have nothing to say in my defense.

- Silence is an admission of guilt. With more than enough evidence and the admission of guilt, it was proven that the defendant, Nedim Karacay, is guilty of first-degree attempted murder against the life of his paternal aunt, Seniz Karacay. Given the circumstances of such crime as well as the utter lack of remorse from the defendant, this court sentences him to 13 years in jail in which...


Cemre came in, pulling Ceren's hand. - Here is irrefutable evidence, Nedim Karacay is innocent! My sister has secretly recorded the whole encounter. He fell into the trap of that disgraceful woman! - Cemre shouted while holding the pen in the other hand.

- What is this circus? - the judge asked. We were in the middle of sentencing.

- Your honor, the prosecutor started, - please, disregard this woman, we are too far in the trial for new, never before seen, evidence.

- But these are extraordinary circumstances, Nedim's lawyer belched out.

After that, Ceren started: - I recorded everything with this pen. Nedim left before Seniz hurt herself, he is innocent!

Damla, Cenk, and Agah seethed there, unwilling to believe anything that disrupts their picture-perfect family.

But, Nedim remembered the whole conversation. He didn't want his 'family' to hear the truth. If the alternative was jail time for him or breaking his family into pieces, he chose to sacrifice himself. - No, your honor, disregard them. I confessed everything. It is done. - he said this last sentence with his eyes firmly focused on Cemre.

She pleaded with him with her eyes, until Ceren said, uffffffffffff, uff... you are making me bored, give me that, abla, and played the recording on her pen.

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