Rethinking for better or worse!!!

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I don't own any character or anything.The credit goes to 'Resurrection Ertugrul' series. It's just a fanfiction.(edit:I don't know how to write a disclaimer but please except whatever I wrote.)

Author's note:
I first thought that I will keep Gokçe(sorry if spelling is wrong) as main character but I think a lot and jump to the conclusion that Halime is...Halime .I mean she is best .Of course she is my favourite too.

With the rise of the sun ,the people of Kai tribe become busy in their daily chores like always. Shepherds are taking their animals for gazing ,women are looking after children and some are busy in the work of carpets.

Turgut ,Dogan and Bamsi are with the soldiers, trying to wake up their passion as soldiers which is disturbed by Kurdoglu and his evil intentions.

Turgut:"Yes...yes come on soldiers you can do this. Don't forget you are warriors of Kai tribe."

Dogan:"Well-done brothers. If you keep training like this.I am sure you will soon regain your passion."

Bamsi:"I don't understand what you are saying. Even a child will be able to tell that they all are low and weak."

Dogan glares at Bamsi and says :"Bamsi will you stop it. I am trying to help them regain their confidence and here you are making them unconfident. We have to do it as soon as possible. I don't want to upset Ertugrul bhai( brother).So if you can't help then please atleast don't make it difficult for us."

Turgut interrupts:" It's enough now. Come here you both and help me instead of fighting with each other."(he feels much calmer than before.After every thing that has happened with him now it seems that he will forget those evil memories soon.)

Suddenly , Ertugrul arrives on a horse.Everyone starts to greet him ( of course in their traditional style with hands on chest). Ertugrul return their greets and dismounts from the horse.
Dogan,Bamsi and Turgut:"Assalamualikum bhai!"
Ertugrul:"Walaikum masalam.How is it going?"
Turgut:"Bhai we are trying and soon we will make them ready for battle."
Ertugrul nodded:"Okay but do it fast.I want them ready for the battle against Salebis.( edit:may I call them crusaders)They had cause alot of trouble, now it's time to pay."
Ertugrul raises his voice:"Listen brothers Allah has blessed us by giving us a chance to fight in his path.We have given a blessing of Jihad.Do you want to miss this chance? Don't forget who you are .We are muslims,we are warriors of Kayi tribe. Allah is with us and we will win ,we have to win. So I want to ask you last time will you come with me in this Jihad or try to behave like cowards,will you want to win or loose the leftover pride you have???
Soldiers:"YES WE WILL WIN!"
Turgut,Dogan and Bamsi smile over the sudden change in the attitude of soldiers.
Bamsi to Dogan:"That is called speech unlike you , giving false hope to soldiers."
Turgut:"not again you two."

Ertugrul is sitting alone beside his horse, Aktolgali (edit:again sorry for spelling mistake) while others are training, doing something which he normally does , he is talking with his friend and partner Aktolgali. This always help him to overcome the ocean of emotions in his heart. It gives him releif. It's always good when you have someone to share your feelings with and it becomes even great when you know that this being can't disclose your secret to anyone.

Ertugrul :"You know Aktolgeli I have seen a lot of difficult times in my life but this time...(he sighs). I seriously don't know how to handle this. I don't know where is my life going. But I believe in Allah and leave everything upto him. I don't know how I agreed to merry Gokce. (edit: surprise!) Halime is the only one who is in my heart. I don't know why she agreed to allow me to merry Gokce 'too'. I don't want to merry someone other than Halime. I don't know if I'll be married to Halime and Gokce both or I will able to be just towards both because I look Gokce not more than my sister."

He is worried because maybe he will be married to both Halime and Gokce. Of course this is a matter of concern that is why he is rethinking about this but we can't do anything. Allah has a plan for every one , only Allah knows what is better and what is worse.Like he said, he has left everything upto Allah . Let's see how Allah has planned his destiny.

Well that's the end of the part. In the next parts I will be telling why Ertugrul has agreed to do a thing which he really didn't want to and why Halime agreed to this, what is the situation here and what will happen next ?

Author's note:
I want your suggestions so that I can make it better.I want all of you to give genuine comments so that I can correct my mistakes.Of course there are mistakes because I am writing a fanfiction first time that is why I keep it short. Thank you...

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