Chapter twenty two: ♥love or like?♥

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Anne's POV.


He was sitting right there in front of me with a blank look. He had bowed his head again letting his long hair cover half of his face.

Anna nudged me and whispered. 'is he the one?'.

I nodded.

'Uhm-- do you know each other?'. My mum asked.

I couldn't reply, how was I supposed to tell my mom that he is my classmate and even more, crush.

'We're classmates'. He answered for me.


Then she turned to Mr Richards. 'How could you afford to pay his fees?'.

'He is on scholarship ma'am'.


So that was why he was always like that.



'Oh, he must be very brilliant then'.

'Yes, he is ma'am'.

'I'd love someone like that to work for me in my restaurant as the cashier. What do you think?'.
She turned to my dad.

'Yeah,yeah he'd be good there'. He said.

'No--'. I started.

My mum threw me a look.

'So what do you think Mr Richards?'.

'Of course I'll greatly appreciate that. Aiden?'.

'T-thank you'. He stuttered.

'It's fixed then, come to my restaurant to meet the manager I'd tell him to pay you times two of the amount paid to other cashiers'.

'Thank you very much ma'am, he'll start the work tomorrow'.

'Good then'.

This is not right. He shouldn't be allowed to work for the parent is classmate. It's all wrong.

I looked at Anna's face and saw that she also thought the same.

And as for Aiden, his face was void of any emotion.

Did he know?

He would have told me if he did would he?

I kept stealing glances at him throughout the dinner and he kept his eyes down.

Immediately he was done with His food he stood up.

'Thank you Mr and Mrs Marie for the food'. He bowed and was out of the door faster than I could say wait.

I ran after him and caught his arm.


He stopped and turned to me.


'I----I'. I couldn't bring the words out.

He cocked his head to one side and gave me a bored look.

'Did you know about..this'. I asked.

He looked thoughtful for a while then: 'yes'.

I gasped. 'Then why didn't you tell me'. I asked quietly.

He shrugged.

That infuriated me.

'Why? Why didn't you tell me?'

He didn't reply so I took his collar and started shaking him.


'How could you let me find out like this?'.

He took my hands gently and set it down back at my sides.

He then took my face in his palms.

'What difference would it have made?'.

I shook my head.

'That's the point'.

'I wanted you to find out yourself'.

'What do we do now?'.

He shook his head.



'We can do nothing about it. As it is your parents will never accept me as your boyfriend'.

'They will'.

'Fine then if you say so'.

We stared at each other for a while then he reached out and wipe the tears streaming down my face.

' like me?'.

I nodded. 'I like you'.

'Like or love?'.

'Love. I love you very much'.

'I know'. He smirked.

'Did you like me too?'.


My smile fell.

'How dare you! How dare you make me confess my feelings when--'.

He kissed me.

'I love you'.

I smiled and kissed him back.

'So you knew I like you?'. I asked him.


'But how?'.

He shrugged again. 'It was very obvious with the way you behave around me only a blind wouldn't be able to see that you feel something for me'.

I hit his chest. Hard.

'Don't let that get to your head'.

He pecked me.

'Why didn't you tell me?'.


'That you feel the same'.

'I wanted to. But that was the day I found out that your parents were my dad's boss'.


'I have to go now'.

'Oh yeah'.

'He kissed me again and turned to go'.


I kept staring even after he was gone until someone cleared their throat.

'Well well well'.

'It seems someone got want she wanted'.

And I smiled.


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