December 2

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December 2: “Holmes accidentally uses Mrs Hudson's newest perfume. And she is NOT happy about it.” (from silvermouse)


A/N: Watson’s POV.

I was sitting in my chair by the fire, reading a book, when Mrs. Hudson appeared in the doorway, arms akimbo. “Mr. Holmes! Have you seen my new lavender perfume?”

Holmes, who had been seated in the corner tinkering with his chemistry equipment, gave a start. “Oh! The—er—lavender perfume, you said?”

“Yes,” she replied, tapping her foot impatiently. “Have you seen it, or have you not?”

“Well…” My friend looked uncomfortable. “I may seen it, and made use of a little—”

“Why on God’s green earth would you need to wear lavender perfume?!”

“What?!” Holmes’s expression turned from discomfort to horror. “I didn’t wear the perfume! I was using it in an experiment! The high alcohol content was what I needed to determine—”

“How many times have I told you not to use my things?!” Our incensed landlady strode across the sitting room past me and toward Holmes, who flushed bright red. I pretended to be engrossed in my book, as if this would render me invisible to her.

Holmes stood up, and backed quickly towards his bedroom door. “Please, I—”

“I don’t want excuses, I want my perfume back!”

“All right, all right, just let me grab it—” He took two more steps back.

“Make it quick!” Mrs. Hudson advanced towards him.

“—it won’t take a minute it’s just next to the arsenic—” Holmes disappeared into his bedroom.

“Good God!” The poor woman put her head in her hands.

“—but don’t worry, I only used about a third—” came his voice through the doorway.

“Why did I ever let you move in here?!” She threw her arms in the air in despair.

“—and the rest is untouched, and should be good as new.” Holmes returned to the sitting room, carrying a small lavender-colored bottle.

“It had better be, so help me!”

“Here, here, take it, take it! And I swear I shall stay out of your things from now on!” He thrust the bottle into her hands.

“Thank you!” Mrs. Hudson turned on her heel and stormed from the room.

Holmes breathed a sigh of relief, then glanced in my direction.

Try as I might, I could not keep the smile from my face.

“Don’t say a word, Watson,” my friend warned, his face still flushed with embarrassment. “Not a single word.”

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