December 11

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December 11: “Mrs. Hudson takes in a stray cat.” (from SheWhoScrawls)


A/N: Life’s been insane, but I’m trying to catch up. The stories may be shorter and less detailed than usual, simply because I’m short on time.

With this story, I’m continuing with my sort of running joke from previous December Calendar Challenges that Holmes has a deathly fear of cats.

Mrs. Hudson’s POV.


“Mrs. Hudson!” Mr. Holmes’s voice bellowed across the entire house. “What the devil is this thing doing in my sitting room?!”

I heaved a great sigh and took off my oven mitts, and threw them on the counter. “What on earth are you talking about?!” I shouted as I ascended the stairs.

“This—this cat!” The man yelled.

Oh, dear. It seems my lodger had discovered the little grey kitten I had rescued from the street yesterday.

When I finally reached the sitting room, it was quite a sight that met my eyes. Mr. Holmes was standing on a chair, brandishing an umbrella at the small kitting, which was batting playfully at the bottom of the chair.

“Eugh! Get it away!” The detective shrieked.

“Calm down!” I shouted at him as I swooped in and rescued the poor creature. “It’s only a little kitten!”

“It’s a horrid creature, and I don’t want it anywhere near me again,” he replied, stepping down from the chair and trying to recover his dignity. I’ve known Sherlock Holmes for years, and it still baffles me to no end that a man who would stop at nothing to capture a bloodthirsty criminal would be scared of such a thing as harmless little kittens!

“That’s just fine, as I don’t want it anywhere near you either!” I returned before sweeping from the room.

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