December 10

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December 10: “Lestrade’s Christmas gift.” (from I’m Nova)


A/N: Watson’s POV.


“I say, what have you got there, Watson?” inquired Sherlock Holmes as he entered the sitting room, clad in his grey dressing gown and puffing on his cherrywood pipe. I was seated at the table and looking through the mail.

“A parcel has just arrived in the mail, from Inspector Lestrade, no less,” I replied. “It’s addressed to you.”

“Give that to me!” Holmes exclaimed, snatching it up and inspecting it closely. “Hum! Very curious; I seldom receive mail from policemen.”

I snorted. “It is very likely a Christmas gift.”

Holmes took a long, thoughtful drag on his pipe. “Do you really think so? I have never given the fellow a Christmas gift before.”

“Well, what else do you suppose it might be?” I asked.

“An excellent question,” the detective replied, now holding the parcel with both hands and clenching the pipe between his teeth. “Well, there is only one way to find out.” He began eagerly tearing off the brown paper, and then opened the box inside. I watched with interest as my friend reached inside the box, and his expression turned to bewilderment. “What on earth…?” He pulled what appeared to be a deformed piece of grey fabric out of the box. Straightening it, we realized that it was a deerstalker cap.

I burst into laughter and Holmes threw the thing on the table.

“Confound it, Watson!” he exclaimed. “I am going to murder that sorry excuse of an artist you allowed to illustrate your last several stories! I would not be caught dead wearing that—that thing! I don’t pretend to understand it; I don’t even hunt, for goodness’ sake!”

“See if there’s a note with it,” I said, gesturing towards the box.

Holmes turned the box upside down and a piece of paper fell onto the table. He snatched it up and red aloud: “From your adoring fans at Scotland Yard. Merry Christmas to you. Signed, G Lestrade.”

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