December 30

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December 30: “221 candles and 1 match.” (from Emma Lynch)


A/N: Wrote this one with 221 words! :D


“Holmes,” said Watson in an exasperated tone, “why is every available surface of the sitting room have a candle sitting on it?”

“Well, it’s terribly cold in here, so I decided I would see what would happen if I filled the room with candles. It’s the three year anniversary of our moving into 221b Baker Street, so I thought it would be fitting to use two hundred twenty-one candles.”

“I take it you were bored today?”

“It is entirely possible,” Holmes acknowledged. “Would you like to help me light them?”

Watson shrugged, resigned to his friend’s strange hobbies. “Sure.”

Holmes dug his book of matches out of the pocket of his dressing gown and opened it. “Blast!” he exclaimed. “I’ve only one match left!”

“That was rather poor planning on your part,” Watson remarked.

“Hush, Watson, I’m thinking,” replied Holmes.

Watson sighed.

“Well, we shall simply have to light a couple of candles with the one match I have, and light the rest using the lit candles.”

“A logical conclusion,” replied Watson dryly.

“You think I’m being ridiculous, don’t you?” demanded Holmes, his voice accusatory.

Watson chuckled. “No, no,” he said. “Unconventional, perhaps, but not ridiculous. I’m sorry if I led you to believe otherwise.”

Holmes waved him off. “It is of no consequence. Come, let us light these candles!”

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