December 31

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December 31: “Watson and Holmes to welcome the New Year in a place other than Baker Street.” (from W. Y. Traveller)



Another huge thanks to Hades Lord of the Dead, and to all who have read and reviewed! :D


Neither Holmes nor Watson could see a thing in the oppressive darkness about them. The small room was cold and dank, and the air smelled stale.

“Well, I can’t say as I ever expected to spend New Year’s Eve in an old Austrian castle,” whispered Watson. He and Holmes were seated on crates in the hidden storage room beneath their client’s spare bedroom, as this was where the jewelry was being stored.

“Shh,” snapped Holmes. “Our quarry will be arriving soon, and we can’t alert him to our presence.”

Watson gave a nod; then, realizing that Holmes could not see him in the dark, whispered, “Yes.”

It was quiet for a long moment, which stretched into an indeterminable length of time. The only sounds that could be heard were the soft breathing of the detective and his biographer.

After a painfully long time, the sound of footsteps echoed about the corridor. From the sound of it, there was only one man.

He entered the room, lamp held aloft, shining light into the little room.

Holmes sprang from his hiding place behind the crates and tackled the man to the floor.

The lamp crashed to the ground and went out, plunging the room into blackness once more. There were loud grunts and gasps from both Holmes and the criminal as the struggled. Watson quickly lit his own lantern.

He held it aloft when it was lit, revealing that that the criminal—a well-muscled, robust man with sandy hair—lay facedown upon the ground with Holmes pinning him down. He attempted to roll onto his side and jabbed his elbow up at Holmes, who grabbed his arm and shoved him back to the ground with a grunt.

“Well, well, Mr. Holmes,” said the criminal through clenched teeth. “I take it you discovered my intentions, and that I knew where the jewels were.”

“Indeed I did,” replied Sherlock Holmes. “And I do hope you enjoy your new year behind bars.”

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