The Sorting Ceremony

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"Firs' years this way!" Yelled a man of preposterous size. All the first years got off the train and followed this large man to a lake. "Four to a boat!" He shouted.
Malfoy, Crabbe, Giyle and I got into a boat together and waited for everyone else to clamber into theirs. Once everyone was in a boat, they suddenly started moving by themeselves which startled me a bit and I almost fell out but Malfoy grabbed my hand and pulled me back up. He didn't say anything after that. The boats carried on gliding across the lake and soon, the castle came into view. It was gigantic! I dont know how I'm going to NOT get lost in that place.
The boats came to a stop at the edge of the lake and we all climbed out. We then followed the large man (he said his name was Hagrid) to the front of the castle. The door was massive. You could probably stack three double decker buses on top of each other and they still wouldn't be as tall as it! Hagrid walked confidently up to the door and opened it up to reveal a very large hallway. An old-looking woman was standing in the hall waiting for us.
"Hello first years and welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We hope you feel welcome here. Please wait here while we prepare for you to be sorted into your houses."
Then she walked into a room and closed the door behind her. When she left us, everyone started chatting and gossiping. "I wonder how they sort us?"
"Do we have to do a test?! I haven't studied for this!"
Malfoy turned around and looked at everyone. He seemed to be studying them.
The old lady came back out of the room and everyone suddenly became silence, as if her presence scared them.
She said "We are ready to sort you now. Please come in!"
She opened the doors wide and we all piled inside the room. I took in my surroundings. The roof looked like the night sky, as if there wasn't even a roof and it had just been chopped off. There were floating candles everywhere to light up the room. There were four very long tables which filled the room and at them sat all the students. I could tell the difference of the houses by their uniforms: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. At the top of the room were what looked like the teachers. A man with a very long beard sat in the middle of them. He stood up when we walked in and came up to a stand where he spoke "Welcome, newcomers. Please stand an wait while we call your name. When it is called, you will come and sit on this stool and put on the sorting hat and it will call the name of the house which you will be in."
All of us first years breathed a sigh of relief. So it wasn't a test! All we had to do was wear a silly hat!
The old woman came to the front and called our names out in alphabetical order.
"ABBOTT, Hannah." was the first person to be called up. She walked up and sat on the stool. "HUFFLEPUFF" screamed the hat, after she had put it on her head.
After a while I got bored. There were a lot of people to go before me as my name started with a W. When Malfoy went up, the hat had barely touched his head when it screamed "SLYTHERIN!"
He stood up and smirked while he walked over to the clapping table and sat down.
When it was my turn I was actually very nervous. What if I wasn't in Gryffindor? What would my parents think? I pushed all those thoughts aside and sat down and pulled on the hat. I heard it speaking "This is a hard one. you are brave enough to be Gryffindor but most of your mind says your Slytherin. Yes that's it SLYTHERIN!" WHAT?! SLYTHERIN?! My whole body shook as I went over to the table where all the Slytherins sat and I went to sit between Malfoy (who was smiling and grinning at me and clapping until his hands were red.) a ginger girl with a diamond nose ring.
I know I didn't have Harry Potter in this but I'll add him in later. but I did make it long for all my wee babes

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