Not Funny

43 1 1

Just fucking ,,
Idk pretend they're not 11 idfk I regret my life decisions at this point
———————————————————The next thing I knew I was being dragged across the hall by Macey at a speed I thought only light could travel.
"AOIBHEANNNNNN", she yelled out so loud everyone went quiet again before uniformly returning to their food.
In a daze, I was sat down at another table with a new group of pupil. It took the yellow on their uniforms for me to realise what house we were sitting with: Hufflepuff. I almost felt embarrassed to be involved with these losers, so much so I got up to leave again but felt the all too familiar hand on my arm to pull be back down.

"Ohmigosh Skye! You have to meet Aoibheann! She's been my bestest friend for, like, ever!!" Macey shrieked, her breathing getting so intense I feared I'd have to perform CPR. Why is she always so freakishly excited? Lord knows. But I looked over to this "Aoibheann" she was talking about to see a hecking pAle girl with almost-black-but-really-its-brown hair. She reached out a hand to shake after staring at Macey with an expression similar to mine.
"Hi, I'm Aoibheann. I'm allergic to nuts."
"Dude you do know there's a spell for that, right?" I questioned her sanity a little but then again I seem to be doing that with everyone nowadays.
"Well shit now I've been avoiding Snickers my whole life for no reason. Everything is a lie." She mocked staring off into the distance before letting out a laugh at her own joke (typical amongst muggle-borns, it seems.)
"Anyways yeah this is my bee eff Cecric..." she gestured towards a boy beside her looking tired of her meaningless jokes as he let out a sarcastic sigh.
"...and yeah you can probably tell I know Macey."
Macey apparently saw this as a chance to give an endless rant about their whole friendship and all the oh so difficult hardships they had to endure yet, despite the many times they felt defeated, they were still friends (literally wtf they're like 4.) And after all that they had been told they had to attend different schools? How tragic.
I swear Macey was near tears towards the end of the story but Aoibheann continued staring at her blankly, clearly not caring about whatever 'special bond' Macey thought they had.
"...and now it turns out we're both witches and we can live out any child's dream! Oh Aoibheann I'm so happy you're here!" She flung her arms around her in a hug so tight I genuinely thought Aoibheann was on her death bed until she finally let go. The Aoibh let out a sigh only Cedric and I could see before he presumably kicked her under the table for doing something wrong.
"Be nice," he mouthed. Her eyes rolled as she switched on a big smile to greet Macey with again, trying to make it seem like she was happy too.

I felt bad for Macey, I did. But Aoibheann was so over her that I had to do something.
"Hey Macey, I think we need to.. do some.. .. ... homework . . in the ..
She looked up, surprised, "Oh? I thought we didn't have any this weekend?"
I shook my head, "Nope . Big test . Monday . First class ." She started to question my simple fact but not before I grabbed her arm this time and whisked her away from this yikes moment.
I turned around when we were about to leave to see Aoibheann mouth, "Thank you."
This story literally has no plot and I'm SO SHIT but Aoibheann wanted to be added in so happy birthday.
I'll probs do more for you too Aoibhs cos this was absolute shite

Clubland x

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