First Day

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When I woke up, it was the first day of classes so I was very excited I wondered what sort of magic we would learn as I pulled on my uniform. I now had a green tie to show that I was in Slytherin. Once I was ready Macey wasn't even awake yet so I pulled her curtains and gently shook her.
"Macey! Come on you have to get ready for class! You have 15 minutes to get ready!!"
Her eyes fluttered open and she jumped out of bed when she heard me say she had 15 minutes to get ready.
"Crap! Oh god I'm sorry I'm just not a morning person" she said rubbing her eyes. "You go down and wait till I get ready. Don't leave without me!"
"Ok don't worry I wont." I grabbed my wand and went downstairs. I saw Draco sitting on the sofa so I went and sat beside him.
"Good morning!" I said
"Hello Skye. I thought you said you were going to be in Gryffindor?" He said, eyebrows raised.
I shrugged my shoulders. "Well I guess I was wrong. I was pretty annoyed at the start but now I'm happy about it. I have a new friend and of course I have you!" I answered grinning.
He smiled back and said "I'm glad your in Slytherin with me"
"I'm glad too"
At that moment, Macey came up behind me. "Come on, Skye! We have to go!"
She pulled me off the sofa as I waved to Draco. Our first class was Charms with Professor Flitwick. We had the class with Gryffindor. I heard that Harry Potter was at Hogwarts this year. Everyone was making such a big fuss about him but I don't really see the point. He's nothing special. I'll see what he's like at magic in this class though. Macey and I walked in the door and found some seats and sat down. Professor Flitwick was very small. He had to stand on a pile of books just to chat to us! "Ok, class. our first lesson will be about the Levitation Charm. The incantation is 'Wingardium Leviosa' and the wand moment is a swish and flick." He showed us a demonstration and he made one of his books float Ito the air. "Now you have a go!"
Suddenly the whole room filled with people saying "Wingardium Leviosa"
I tried and tried but couldn't get it to work. The first person to get their feather to float was Hermione Granger. I don't think I like her. She's such a show off. Macey doesn't like her either. "ew I hate her she annoys me so much! I was in he'd carriage on the train and she kept going ON AND ON about all the books she read and spells she learnt."
Soon enough, more and more people got their feather to float. Macey was one of the first and I was one of the last. "Oh dear. Im not very good at this am I?" I said.
"Of course you are! You just haven't got into it yet!" said Macey.
Once everyone had got it, Professor Flitwick let us leave and we went to our next class. Potions with Professor Snape-head of Slytherin. This class was also with Gryffindor. I couldn't wait for this class as Snape is my uncle and he loves me. When everyone was in the classroom Snape announced, "Everyone get a partner!"
Macey wanted to partner up with someone different so she went over to be with an Irish Gryffindor named Seamus Finnegan. He was smiling when she went over to him. The only other person I knew was Draco so I went over to him and asked if he would be my partner. He said yes so we both stood ready for Snap to give us instructions in what to do.

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