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The next morning I woke to Macey shaking me. "Skye wake up! Tell me what happened with you and Draco last night!"
"Ugh what time is it?" I murmured sleepily.
"Half six. I wanted to wake you up early so you could tell me the story.
"Oh my god Macey I thought you said you weren't a morning person?!"
"Only in important situations I can wake up."
"Well I won't be able to sleep again so I may as well"
"YAY!" Screamed Macey as she sat down on my bed.
I told Macey everything that happened last night and she laughed when I told her about her interrupting us. When I was finished she had a huge smile on her face. "I'm so happy for you! I mean I knew it was coming, he always stares at you and you were a little TOO friendly to him. All I had to do was wait and here it is!" She clapped her hands in delight.
"Well I'm glad your supporting me in this!"
"Come on, it's time for breakfast. Draco might be there already" she said winking. We both got ready and went downstairs. It was still pretty early so the common room was empty. We walked to the Great Hall and saw Draco sitting with Crabbe and Goyle. As we walked up to them I heard that they were talking about Harry Potter.
"...such a show off...
"...not even good at magic"
Goyle seen Macey and I walking up and he tapped Draco on the shoulder so he looked around at us. He looked very pleased to see us. "Hey Skye!"
"What about me?" Said Macey.
"Oh and you too Macey of course."he answered.
"Hey Draco!" I said to him giving him a kiss.
"AAAAAWWW SO KEWT!!" Screamed Macey and we all burst out laughing.
We sat and had some breakfast but went back to the common room afterwards because we had some time to spare before classes started.
Draco sat on the sofa and I lay down and rested my head on his lap. Macey, Crabbe and Goyle sat on the floor revising for a test(yes a test already). I closed my eyes and thought how great my life was at that moment.

A Slytherin Life (Draco Malfoy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now