Ch 1: New Girl

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I finish my make-up and look into the mirror as I brush my long blonde hair. My outfit for the day was still laid out across the chair from when I was planning it last night. I grab my favorite pair of light-blue skinny jeans and pull them on, yanking them up my thin legs. I let a baggy white sweatshirt flutter over my head and over my torso and arms. I look back in the mirror. It is a nice look, but it feels like something's still missing. I fumble through my closet, sifting through different options. But finally, I find it. My pink beanie.


I grab my black, studded backpack and head downstairs to the kitchen where my stepfather, the acclaimed chef Marco Brüschweiler, was making a special first-day-of-school-breakfast consisting of pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

"So," Dad says as I sit at the table next to Mom. "You excited to start at your new school?"

"Yeah, but I'm a little nervous," I admit. "What if I have trouble making friends as the 'new Thai girl'?"

"Well, first off, anyone that doesn't want to be friends with you for being Thai is racist and can fuck off."

Mom looks over at her husband in shock. "Marco!"

My eyes widen and I laugh. "Damn dad!"

"Do as I say not as I do," he quickly parents. "Anyway, I doubt you'll have trouble making friends. You're nice. You're funny. You're pretty. I bet you'll come home tonight with plans to go out."

"What does me being pretty have to do with making friends?" I ask.

He shrugs. "I mean it doesn't hurt."

I chuckle and eat my breakfast. My dad walks over and gives me a quick kiss on the top of my head.

"Don't worry, sweetie. I'm sure today will be great." He looks up at the clock. "You might wanna hurry up though. Your bus should be at the stop soon."

I quickly scarf down my delicious breakfast, grab my backpack, and give mom and dad a quick kiss on their cheeks.

"Thanks, Dad! Love you! See you both tonight!"

I exit my family's new home: a mid-size, split-level house on a small residential street and begin passing similar homes that line either side of the road as I meander my way to the bus stop which is three streets away and will take about 10 minutes to get to. Not the end of the world, but annoying enough.

As I turn the corner onto the second street, I notice the door from a house up ahead open up. A pretty girl with blonde hair in a flowing blue dress and white sneakers walks out, putting in a pair of earbuds as she walks down her driveway. She is tall with long, lanky arms and legs like me. Round, puffy cheeks adorned her face, reminiscent of a chipmunk. The pretty girl adjusts the large, black messenger bag hanging from her shoulder as she takes a sip from a travel mug, containing what I can only assume is coffee. With her remaining free hand, she holds her phone. The girl turned out of her driveway and onto the sidewalk, heading in the same direction I am.

I wonder if she's on her way to the bus stop too. She looks my age and is carrying a bookbag with her.

I continue to watch her from across the street, matching her pace as we both keep walking.

Should I go say hi? Or should I leave her be?

I see the whites of the earbuds in her ears, dangling from her head as she takes another sip.

Dang, I should've brought my earbuds too!

I eventually reach the bus stop and, sure enough, the girl in blue is standing there, staring at her phone. I walk over to her and smile, "Hi! I'm Lisa."

In The End (Lisa x Male Reader AU)Where stories live. Discover now