Ch 12: New Year, New Beginning

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FRIDAY, DEC 21, 2018

The bell rings and I walk out of physics class for the last time before Winter Break.

Finally! Eleven days of no school!

I walk alongside Roose as we walk to our lockers. Y/N and I haven't talked since the Winter Showcase. He won't even look at me.

What did I do to him to deserve this kind of treatment?

"It's nothing you did," Roose says, seemingly reading my mind. "It's complicated. He's not mad at you, he's just..."

"Just what?"

"It's really not my business to talk about, but I will say it has nothing to do with you or anything you did. He really cares about you. I think he's just trying to figure out how to talk to you about it."

"About what? Roose, what is going on?"

"I'm sorry. It really isn't my place to talk about it. Just give him some time. I know he'll come to you when he's ready."

What the fuck does that mean? Is it something with his parents? I trust Roose when he says it's not me so that's a relief. I still wish Y/N would just talk to me though. Whatever it is, I want to be there for him.

I open my locker and get my stuff out of it before heading to the senior lot to meet up with the girls.

"So," Jennie says as I walk to her car. "What's everyone's plans for break?"

"I'm going to Korea to spend the holiday with my family," Jisoo says.

"Again?" Rosie asks, "Didn't you just go this summer?"

"Yeah, and I'm going again," Jisoo says. "We like seeing our relatives over there."

"Well, I'm going with my cousin to our family beach house in Santa Monica," Jennie says.

"California?" I ask, "So much for your white Christmas."

"Ugh! I hate snow," Jennie cringes.

"I love it!" Rosie says. "I hope it snows all of Christmas Eve so when I wake up and look outside, it'll be perfect and magical."

"And people call me a princess," Jennie says. "You'd fit right in at Disney World."

"Hey!" Rosie pouts.

"I'd be interested in seeing some snow. We never got it in Thailand."

"Never?" Rosie asks, appearing almost heartbroken.

"Nope. Apparently, it happened once back in the 50s but no one's really sure about that."

"Sounds perfect to me!" Jennie says. "Why'd you move here again?"

We laugh.

"Did you guys hear? Cam's moving?" Jisoo says.

"He is?" I ask.

"He's heading out to California to start working with Snoop Dogg. He dropped out this morning, I heard."

"Damn, I hope he's able to make it out there," Jennie says.

We pile into her car now that the lot is nearly empty.

"So do any of you know about what's going on with Y/N?" I ask. "Roose said something about it 'not being me' and that he's 'trying to figure out how to talk to me about it' but I can't for the life of me figure out what that means."

"That's news to us," Jisoo says. "All we know is what you told us after the showcase."

"I'm sure he'll talk to you about it," Rosie says, resting her hand on mine. "Just give him time."

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