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Joe hovered his thumb over the send button, hesitating. It was Friday evening, and they were assigned the homework of analyzing their characters. Joe was considering sending Taylor this text, 'Hey! Since our characters are pretty closely connected, and their relationship plays a big part in their character development, would you want to work on the homework together?'

He reread it many times, and finally clicked the send button, holding his breath. Less then a minute later, Taylor formed a reply, 'Sure.'

Joe grinned, 'Where would you want to meet at?'

'There's this nice library on Elm St. Maybe there?' Taylor replied.

'Sounds great. Want to meet there at around 11:00 tomorrow?' Joe typed back, smiling to himself.

'Sounds good. Cya there' Came Taylor's reply.

'Cya' Joe put down his phone, leaning back on to his bed, a wave of relief hitting him. This was the first time they'd texted in a while, but she seemed fine. Maybe they could at least be friends, even if Tom would be her boyfriend.

Taylor meanwhile was pacing around her room nervously, not sure what she got herself into. It's fine Taylor. It's just a study session with a friend. You don't like him, he doesn't like you. End of story.

Saturday rolled around and Joe stood on the steps in front of the library. It was five minutes passed when they were supposed to meet, and Taylor didn't answer any of the texts he sent her. He couldn't help but wonder if she had ditched him. Another three minutes and a text message later, Joe gave up, walking down the steps to start heading home.

He only got about one minute in to his walk, before he was stopped by a blonde head of hair dashing at top speed flew by him. Taylor? He wondered to himself, beginning to run after her. He was a few feet behind Taylor, but she didn't notice, bursting through the doors, of the library and frantically searching. Joe stood behind her, an eyebrow raised to see when she would notice.

Joe watched her take out her phone, then felt his own phone vibrate, Indicating Taylor had most likely replied to his text. Taylor stood there for a moment more, craning her neck to see all the possible spots Joe could be in, before coming to the conclusion that either she was to late, or he had ditched her.

She sighed, running her hands through her hair, and putting her face in her hands before mumbling something to herself. She turned around, and walked right into Joe. At first she looked surprise, then began talking rapid fire, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I was late. I forgot that my car was in the shop, so I had to run here, and I swear I tried to make it on time, but I can only run so fast an-"

"Taylor it's fine," Joe chuckled, "Why don't we just go study."

Taylor blushed, looking down, "Yeah, okay. Um, there's a free table over there." Taylor motioned to a table by the window.

Joe nodded, and walked over, carrying his backpack with him. Taylor followed behind him, and they sorted through their papers. At first they both were shy, but got more in sync as they went on. By the time they had finished it was already 1:00.

Taylor stood up, "Well, thanks for helping."

"Of course, that was fun," Joe stood up as well, smiling.

"So I'll see you at school on Monday?" Taylor asked, grabbing her backpack off of the floor.

"Yup. See you then," Joe waved to her before turning and walking out of the library.

On Monday morning, Joe and Taylor weren't sure how to act with each other. Hailey was still trying to get her claws into Joe, and constant pestering him to hang out with them. Joe declined her constantly, but Hailey didn't stop.

taylor swift + joe alwyn: story of usWhere stories live. Discover now