^introducing new characters! : Brandon and Lula Barnes. Rebecca and her husband Darren Taylor. Bradley and his wife Valerie. Branson and Jenna. And lastly Ruthie Barnes.
"Hey little brother what are you and the Corporal doing later?"
Bucky opened up his text from Brandon and let out a laugh. He showed the text to Brooklyn who was laying on his chest.
"Why is he asking?" She said as she looked up at him.
Bucky texted back.
"Why are you asking? Dinner didn't go well with mom two days ago."
"Because unlike her. The rest of the family will be welcoming. How about we get together tonight? The rest of your sibs would like to meet Ms Firecracker."
"That's fine with us. We don't get off till 7. Pizza and beer?"
"Sounds good! Me Branson and Bradley don't get off till 730."
"See you later bub."
"They are all coming over later. Apparently the rest of my siblings would like to meet my girl." He said as he laid his phone back on the nightstand.
"But I'm not really your girl. I'm just someone you are sleeping with." She said
"Baby..you are my girl. You are in my bed every night. I think you should just give up your place and move in." He said
"Excuse me.." she said as she sat up.
He sat up to her and kissed her. "Why don't you just think about that." He said
"Okay sure..um no. We agreed no strings." She said
"And I'm saying move in..you practically live here anyways. But we will talk more about that later." He said when he heard a phone buzz.
He saw that it was her phone. "Who is CSM Doyle?" He said
"That is my tattoo artist. He is who did mine and Josh's matching tattoo. He is also who did my side tat and leg tat." She said
"You are getting a new one?" He said
"He's going to fix my tattoo into something else because if I'm going to spend a week with your family. I rather them not judge me for having this..besides what if I decide to get remarried..and yes I'm getting another one on my shoulder on this side." She said as she pointed to her left shoulder.
"Baby this one is special to you. If my family says anything then I will tell them to fuck off.." he said as he cupped her cheek.
"It's okay Buck. He's gone and I have to learn let go somehow. It would help if he stopped showing up and scaring me." She said
"I know baby." He said as he kissed her.
They got ready for work and headed to the hospital. During her lunch break she met up with her old military friend. He was able to fix her old tattoo into a sunflower with the American flag. When she returned to work she showed Bucky the end results of both.
"Oh baby those look good. The flower looks amazing." He said
"Thanks.." she said
When their work day was finally over they picked up pizza and beer. Around 8 all of his siblings showed up.
"Little brother!" Branson yelled as he came in.
"What's up Bran." Bucky said as he hugged him.
"Everyone this is my girl former Corporal Brooklyn Dallas. Brooke baby you already know Brandon and Lula. But that's Branson and his wife Jenna Bradley and his wife Valerie. That is Becca and her husband Darren. And that's Ruthie." He said
"Nice to meet you all.." she said
"We got pizzas and beers." He said
"Awesome.." Brandon said
"So good to see you." Lula said as she hugged Brooklyn.
"Good to see you Lula." She said
"So dad seems to really like her"Bradley said to him.
"Yeah I know. Mom was cold towards her." Bucky said
"Why? That doesn't sound like mom." Branson said
"I don't know. She acted like Brooke wasn't good enough or something." Bucky said as he passed out beers.
Brandon seen her shoulder was covered. "What did she do?" Brandon said
"She had her tattoo changed. And got another one on the other side today. I think she felt like it was for the best." Bucky said
They all gathered into the kitchen and began to bond over pizza and beers.
Brandon came over to Brooklyn. "How have you been?" He said
"I've been better. My PTSD is bad some days other days are good." She said
"You haven't been by the VA Dallas. I have the support group there meetings are Tuesdays." Brandon said
She looked down. "James can go with you if you don't want to be alone." Brandon said
"Brandon I see Josh he comes to me at the most random times standing on his legs. He talks about how I left him there. And how could I do that. One day I had a episode where I thought I was in Iraq that I was reliving that day and the most embarrassing part was I was at work. Your brother found me..I ran through the hospital cause I thought Josh was chasing me." She said
"Brooklyn.." Brandon said but the room was quiet.
She looked down. "Girls why don't you all go outside for a minute." Branson said
All the girls went outside. "It's called survivor's guilt Brooke." Bradley said as he sat beside on her on the counter.
"That's What Bucky told me." She said
"We all have it. Over there we have seen things that normal people wouldn't be able to handle." Branson said
"Josh is someone that you loved that you cared about Dallas. He is going to be the signified ghost to make you feel it." Brandon said
"I wish he wasn't.." she whispered
"You aren't the only one in this room that use to see people they lost. Me and James use to see Dylan and Luke for months. It killed us both it made us both feel ten times worse" Bradley said
"I know he told me.." she said
"What do you do when it happens?" Brandon said
She swallowed hard. "She curls up in ball and whispers I'm in NY this isn't real you are dead." Bucky said
She looked at him. "What? Don't look at me like that. I'm the one that woke up to you screaming bloody murder last week and glass breaking." Bucky said
"What do you mean glass breaking?" Bradley said
"He apparently showed up when she was getting a glass of water after a nightmare." Bucky said
She looked down. "Well you need to start bringing her down to the VA on Tuesdays." Brandon said
"You want me to pick her up kicking and screaming to go?" Bucky said
"Why not? That's what I had to do at Josh's funeral. It was time to bury the casket and she tried to climb in it.." Brandon said
"Brooklyn Kate!" Bucky said in a raised tone.
"I wasn't in a good place. He was the love of my life James. We had plans and because someone stepped on an IED my whole world was gone." She said
He hugged her. "I'm sorry I know he meant a lot to you. Believe me not having Dylan here anymore sucks..he was like the 4th brother." He said
"We will all start going with you if you want. Sometimes we all go when we have bad days." Branson said
"Okay.." she said as she wiped tears.
"All this COVID shit has brought a lot of veterans back in especially the ones working the medical field." Brandon said
The girls came back in and they finished up the pizza and beer.

Love On The Frontlines
RomanceBrooklyn Dallas is a 28 year old ICU nurse who finds herself not only having relations with her boss Dr Bucky Barnes but falling for him..but she isn't the only one. Bucky is a 32 year old trauma doctor who mainly runs the ICU/CCU floors. He is a d...