Chapter 10: Bean and Birb

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   "You guys will pay for making her cry!" yelled Felix before he lunged at both Axel and Draco, grabbing them by the neck before I could even say anything. His talons were slowly starting to grow from his fingers, piercing both my mates' necks ever so slightly.

   "Wait! Birb, it was just a misunderstanding!!!" I shrieked out, using Felix's nickname that I only use when I'm desperate. He immediately stopped and retracted his hands from Axel and Draco's necks.

   I sighed in relief and Felix made his way over to me, inspecting me for any injuries.

   "Are you alright, bean? I hope those jerks didn't do anything to you..." he said worriedly

   "I'm fine, Felix, really. It was just a misunderstanding as I said before. I just cried because of the movie." I explained, pointing to the TV.

   "I'm so glad you're not hurt. But seriously, you're the only one that cries because of Godzilla." said Felix chuckling. I just shrugged my shoulders and went over to check on my mates.

   I inspected both of their necks to see that they've already healed, due to our supernatural healing. I let out another breath of relief.

   "I'm not apologizing to you two, but consider this a warning for the future if you hurt Femi in any way." warned Felix. I just shook my head and facepalmed myself.

   "We don't have any intention of hurting our precious mate. Ever. You can trust us on this." assured Axel, Draco agreeing. My heart melted.

   I glanced at the clock on the wall to see that it was getting quite late. I thought Godzilla was only an hour movie...Whatever.

   "Well, guys, it's getting kind of late, don't you think? You should head home." I said pointing to the clock.

   "Actually, you guys should probably stay. It is quite dangerous at night after all." Felix said overly sweet. Didn't he want to kill them a few minutes ago??? Why did his mood change so fast??

   I just shot him a confused look.

   "Yeah, you guys can stay if you want to?" I said which came out more as a question than a statement. I'm still confused about what Felix is planning. Not sure if I should be scared or not.

   "Alright. If you both insist, then we will stay." answered Draco excitedly. Why are Felix and Draco acting weird? I swear me and Axel are the only sane ones here.

   "Indeed. It'll be our pleasure to stay here in this quaint little place for the night." said Axel warmly but with an undertone of excitement underneath. Nevermind. I'm the only sane one.

   "Well, it's great that you guys are staying but we have a slight problem. We don't have a guest bedroom and the couch is too small for both of you to sleep on so I was thinking Femi wouldn't mind sharing her bed with you guys." said Felix wiggling his eyebrows.

   I facepalmed myself but this time mentally since I didn't want Axel and Draco to think I didn't want them here. I knew Felix was planning something. That's my best friend for ya.

   "My bed should be big enough for all three of us. It is a king-sized bed after all." I said yawning, too tired to argue. Then all of a sudden Axel hoisted me up and over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I squealed, bursting everyone's eardrums.

   "Wait! Axel! Where are we going?! And I can walk you know!!" I said, hitting his back. Oh my, what a nice back you have Mr. Jett. No Femi stop! This isn't the time to get distracted. Both Willow and Dimona chuckled in my mind.

   "We're going to bed princess. You must be exhausted after all that's happened today." Axel said calmly, arriving at our destination, my bedroom. He gently put me down and pulled the sheets over me.

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