Chapter 17: Old Habits Always Come Back

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*Viewer discretion advised. Attempts of suicide/cutting*

~Axel's POV~

   I still could not wrap my head around how powerful my mate is. I knew she was already powerful with her being a hybrid and Satan's daughter but now that she could wield hellfire as well, she's becoming even more powerful. Meaning more people are going to be targeting her because of how overpowered she is. I do not think any other being has wielded hellfire before other than Satan himself of course.

   I like that she's literally one in a million. There's no one that would ever be like her nor be as great, beautiful, spectacular, feisty, stubborn, and scary as her. Yes, I do admit that she's very scary when she wants to be.

   She would be number two right after my mom. My mom was very strict and scary but she had a warm heart. She would scold Allie and I then comfort us right after. My dad was not as strict, he was more on the calm but strict side if that makes sense. He would scold us but would be very calm while doing it.

   My parents had been murdered while they were sleeping. When I discovered the bodies, I... many things changed after that. I became less cheerful, smiled less, I was pretty much a walking corpse. Allie was a walking corpse too, we had both dropped out of school and we argued and fought a lot. We then decided to part ways as it was just too much for us to bear.

   I inherited my father's company and I struggled a lot on my own. Many people underestimated me as I was still very young at the time but I pushed myself and 3 years later the company was doing great and Allie had come back from whatever she was doing in those 3 years. It was awkward when we reunited as we literally had not seen nor talked to each other in ages.

   Fortunately, we had patched up our relationship and here we are now, a few thousand years later still doing great. The company is thriving and Allie had gotten married in Italy then came back to see me. She was the only family I had and I was happy to have her on my side.

   After the dean dismissed us from all our classes today, Draco and I really wanted to spend time with Femi but she shooed us away and said she and Felix needed best friend time or something. I can't understand what they do and I don't think I ever will.

   In the end, Draco and I went our separate ways with pouts on our faces. We were like puppies that were kicked. Someone even asked if I was alright. I said yeah but I think they knew that was a lie but they didn't press on it. They actually gave me some advice.

   It's good to see that humanity still exists. But no matter how many good people there are in the world, the bad always seems to outweigh them. No matter how hard people try to fix things, one person just has to come and ruin it all. I sighed at the thought.

   There's just no balance in the world anymore. It's just really sad to see because I've lived for over thousands of years already but little has changed. Sure, technology has developed and there are new modern inventions that make our lives easier but...the people have not changed at all.

   "Stop it, Axel. You've come so far but you're starting to dive into these thoughts again." said Blade, sighing. I ignored him.

   "Axel...stop it. Stop acting like you're giving up on humanity. It pains me to see you like this. You've come so far. You said you would up on life." Blade continued, his eyes showing hurt.

   How can I stop? These are the true colors of life. Do you know how many wars life has caused? The deaths of people that shouldn't have died? The amount of grief and sorrow it gives us?

   I walked to my kitchen, paralyzed as if by some spell.

   "No...Don't Axel...Don't do it. Don't start now. You've come so far and recovered." Blade panicked, clawing out of my mind trying to put himself in control. But I couldn't hear anything. All my senses were drowned out, my body not even mines anymore.

   "Stop! Axel, stop it! Don't let your old habits come back!" he continued, trying to paw his way out to gain control of my body.

   But I wasn't listening, my body wasn't listening. It felt like someone else was taking control of my body. I was completely helpless.

   By now my body was in the kitchen, reaching for the knives on my counter.

   Old habits always come back to haunt us.

*Author's Note: Hello people of the internet! I have come back to grace you with a new chapter. But also with a cliffhanger! Good luck figuring out what happens next as I go into a mini hibernation. Who knows when I'll update again? Also, check out my other story. It's about dragons. Like dragon dragons. Not shapeshifters or anything like Axel. Maybe. I don't know yet as I don't really have a plan for it. Perhaps I'll add a little something to it. Who knows?*

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