Chapter 14: Society is a b*tch

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   I picked up my bag and my coat then proceeded into the building, no one stopping me this time. Luckily, I got here pretty early so I didn't miss any classes yet.

   As I walked to my first class and sat down, I was kinda starting to feel guilty about what I did to Jessica's nose. That must have been quite expensive. I'm not like mocking her or anything. I seriously feel bad about it. I just feel the girl is trying too hard. And after the fight, her pride must have been injured.

   I should get her transferred to a hospital and I'll pay for her nose job. I seriously feel terrible for what I did to her. I know I shouldn't because she's been pretty much bullying me since the semester started and it was like karma. But I can't help but feel that the girl had a pretty rough past.

   "What are you thinking about? You're so concentrated." said Draco from beside me. I jumped. I noticed that there were two pairs of concerned eyes staring at me from both sides.

   "Goodness me. You guys scared me." I said, sighing.

   "Well? What made you so focused sweetcheeks?" asked Axel, worried.

   "I broke Jessica's fake nose and I feel really bad. I shouldn't have aimed for the nose. I should have aimed for the cheek instead." I said, frowning. They burst out laughing.

   "Stop it! It's not funny! I'm not joking!" I said, glaring at them.

   "I might get my dad to transfer her to a hospital. And I'll try to get him to pay for her broken nose job. Well if she wants to redo her nose." I said, continuing after they got themselves together.

   "You're too nice sometimes. Well, it's really up to you whether or not you want to help her. If you think she deserves a second chance, then go for it." Axel said, encouragingly.

   By lunchtime, I made up my mind and decided to help Jessica. I was going to call my dad and transfer her to a hospital for recovery. Also for her nose if she wants to redo it.

   I went and got my lunch then proceeded to head to the table where Felix and I usually sat. There was now more company with Draco and Axel.

   "I heard you beat up Jessica. Karma is a b*tch. Serves her right." said Felix, laughing evilly.

   "Well, I felt guilty so I'm getting my dad to transfer her to a hospital." I said, eating my depressing slice of pizza with dry cheese.

   "Ugh! You're too nice for your own good! She deserved it!" Felix exclaimed, groaning.

   "Well, I'm not a mean-a*s b*tch like you. I do what I want." I said, sassily, rolling my eyes at the childish dude I call my best friend.

   "Settle down now. No need to get mean about it." Draco said, chuckling amusingly.

   "This cafeteria food sucks." said Axel, frowning. I don't know why but that statement sent us doubling over in laughter. It's most likely because of the simplicity of it or the cute frown he was sporting.

   "Aww! Is my boy not enjoying the food? It's okay dear, I'll will make you some food when we get home." I cooed ruffling up his hair. He's a grown-a*s man and here I am, cooing at him like he's a little baby.

   "I'm not a baby." Axel said, pouting.

   "I can't believe a grown-a*s, buff-a*s dragon man is pouting." said Felix, laughing his guts out. He was holding his stomach and tears were forming.

   "Alright you little 5-year-olds, eat your lunch peacefully now. Don't choke on the food dears." I said like I'm directing a kindergarten class.

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