Chapter 11: But her, she scares me sometimes

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~Femi's POV~

   Today's grocery shopping was a success. We got stocked up on snacks and other things like oyster sauce and rice flour. And rice of course. I got a big bag of it so I wouldn't run out of it as easily.

   Why do you get rice when you're the only one eating it? It's hard to explain. All my life, even throughout my childhood, I've always had rice in my diet. So it has become a habit to have it in my diet as an adult.

   But there was something I noticed while I was shopping. I could feel eyes on me from somewhere in that store. As if someone was spying on me. I'm not sure if Axel and Draco noticed it too but if they did, they hid it quite well.

   "It seems that danger is lurking. Someone or something has heard that you're a hybrid and are coming after you." stated Dimona, looking deep in thought. But how? No one knows that I'm a hybrid other than Felix, Draco, Axel, and my dad.

   "Right. Unless one of them told someone else." said Willow, joining in on this conversation. But why would they do that? They know how dangerous it is for me if people know I'm a hybrid.

   "I don't think it's them. Have you made any enemies over the years, dear?" asked Dimona. I have actually. But the thing is, I know for a fact that none of them know that I'm a hybrid.

   "Earth to Femi!" Draco said, waving his hands in front of my face. I snapped out of my daze and smiled at them.

   "Sorry guys. I just zoned out a bit." I apologized. Then an idea popped up. I can look through each of their minds to see if they have something to hide from me. I know it's not fair to them but I just need to know.

   "Do be careful hon. We wouldn't want you to collapse again." Dimona said, concerned. I nodded and took her thought into consideration.

   Then I sifted through their minds like how I sifted flour and found that Felix had nothing to hide. Draco and Axel, on the other hand, did indeed have a little something-something to hide. Seems like they had a nice little conversation about the safety of my wellbeing.

   How sweet of them, but it really would've been better if they just told me. Trust is everything in a relationship after all.

   I smiled overly sweetly at the shocked Draco and Axel.

   "Aww are you guys shocked by my eyes changing color? We have things to discuss, babes." I said sternly while pulling both of their collars and dragging them to my room. I saw Felix gulp from the corner of my eye. He knows something is really wrong when I use pet names.

   When we arrived in my room, I plopped them both down on the bed and I pulled up a chair to them. I sat with both my arms and legs crossed.

   Now, something is seriously wrong if I cross both my arms AND legs.

~Draco's POV~

   I've never seen Femi so...fierce. I'm an alpha and I'm not very scared of many things, but her, she scares me sometimes.

   I hung my head down guiltily while she continued to lecture me and Axel. I do admit it was wrong of us but we just wanted her to live her life without any worries. But then again, it wouldn't be life if there wasn't an obstacle in the way.

   "Look, I understand you want to protect me but I'm not as weak as you guys thought me to be. I'm not going to sit still and look pretty while you guys are doing all the work." Femi said softly, interrupting my train of thought.

   Her words hit me like a brick to the gut. Axel and I have really been underestimating our mate. It's just instinct to protect the ones you care about. She isn't a damsel in distress needing rescuing. She's able to rescue herself.

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