file loading. . . introduction.

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This story is a work of fiction that was entirely created by me while being inspired by the show Altered Carbon as well as a few other movies and shows.

Do not steal my story. All rights reserved.

Any idols or characters mentioned in this story are NOT to be accounted for in real life.
Yet again, this is a work of fiction. Their faces are merely being used to understand what the characters look like.

This is a story that will have gore, sexual humor, sexual acts, violence, dark humor, character death and many other things that are not suitable for readers under the age of 15. Be advised that this book is a romance story mixed with many other things that may
not be suitable for all audiences.

I am not affiliated with any companies of idols or of products mentioned in this story.

This is a work of fiction that I hope you all enjoy with me. This will be an emotional roller coaster for you all so strap in my darlings.

jori, your author papi.

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