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elias colton tsukino

elias colton tsukino

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age ... twenty1 (321)
nationality ... korean & african american
likes ... unknown
dislikes ... unknown
behavioral studies ... positive, analytical,
seemingly the father of the group, caring
very sweet, very flirtatious, domineering
notes ... protective over his ring given to him
by his grandmother, seems easily agitated so
proceed to test him with caution.
successful tests ... sector 1 is now complete.

jordyn leilani kim

jordyn leilani kim

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age ... twenty (320)
nationality ... thai, korean, & african american
likes ... unknown
dislikes ... unknown
behavioral studies ... positive, very loving, the
mother of the group, can be hotheaded sometimes,
naturally domineering but tends to submit easily for
elias, possibly has a past with the boy
notes ... like elias, she doesn't seem to enjoy being
tested on and can become extremely aggressive.
successful tests ... sector 1 is now complete.

malia annarose isozaki

malia annarose isozaki

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age ... twenty (320)
nationality ... korean, australian, & moroccan
likes ... unknown
dislikes ... unknown
behavioral studies ... naive, energetic, seemingly
a ditz, very intelligent, a goofball to those she loves,
a bitch to those she dislikes, treats jordyn & the
others like her family, very outspoken
notes ... isn't aggressive to the treatments and
tries her best to be the moderator during any issues.
however, keep your eye on her. she knows just how
to trick others to do her bidding.
successful tests ... sector 1 is now complete.

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