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It's so cold.
My body can't take this cold it's unbearable.
I'm going to freeze to death. I don't want to die.
No, I still have to live.
I have to fight to live for her.
Mommy... please.
I don't want to die!

Jordyn slowly blinked open her round doll like eyes, the nerves in her body slowly beginning to awake. The freezing air that kissed her skin began to dissipate as her body began it's work to awaken. She could feel it all, how her body began to reactivate as if she had been sleeping for years. She felt heavy and she felt thirsty, craving something to get rid of the dryness in her mouth.

Once the feeling regained back into her fingers, the girl slowly brought her arms up. She touched her slightly chapped lips, feeling her warm skin as the heat touched it again. The tips of her fingers began to receive their natural color again, her eyes scanning her body to see she was only in her undergarments.

However, that's when she noticed that she wasn't in her queen sized mattress in her room anymore.

She scanned her surroundings, seeing that at least from the inside it looked like she was in some sort of cocoon pod. It was white inside, seeming to be a large oval shape as there was tubes that lead through holes outside. She had a breathing mask that gently rested against her chest, the girl unsure of what else could have previously been attached to her. She noticed the gauze placed on her arm, realizing that's probably where they drew her blood. She noticed how she was barefooted, and her body was finally regaining her color as she pounded on the small glass window that showed whoever how she was doing.

She was being observed... like she was some kind of test subject and she wanted answers.

Suddenly the pod chamber she was kept in suddenly slid off of her, the girl being slightly blinded by the white light above her. She raised an arm, blocking the light as sound returned to her ears. A hand reached out for her, the young girl immediately taking it to observe the creature before her.

Jordyn was pulled to sit up by a force so strong it almost made her fall out. As her eyes began to adjust, she was going to thank the stranger when she noticed a greater sight. The girl widened her eyes, staring back at a group of twelve or so filled with women and men. They were all left in their undergarments just like herself, making the girl blush a bit from slight embarrassment. Seeing them all before her however she noticed that they were all young and all around her age. If they are test subjects, wouldn't it make more sense to have subjects of various age groups? What was their plan here?

"Can you speak, Jordyn?"

Her focused gaze shifted towards the male that helped her sit up before. The raven haired boy was very attractive, a strong masculine face with soft features. A defined jaw but supple and plump lips as well as doe eyes that practically sparkles in the moonlight. Boys with eyes like that were always trouble for Jordyn so she decided to do her best to not keep eye contact. His face held a certain familiarity that she couldn't quite put her finger on so she decided to bring her focus... lower. She noticed the way his shoulders seemed less broad but still dawned a muscular form as it led all the way down to his abdomen. He was very fit, having a defined set of abs as well as muscular arms. His arms were clearly very strong but the tattoos that showed on his skin were absolutely breathtaking. They were each works of art and she couldn't help it but to reach out and gently caress the tiger lily etched permanently into the boys skin.

"The lily? What about it?" The male questioned, looking down at where their skin met.

"Beautiful... Elias."

Everyone in the room was utterly shocked by her sudden remembrance of his name. A few let out an audible gasp, making the girl look up to make eye contact with him. She was embarrassed, not meaning to blurt out a name like that but she just felt a familiar presence with seeing the lily tattoo.

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