Chapter 7: Heat?

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• No One's P.O.V •
- At the Dorms -
° Day: Friday °

Why are the new teachers so hard (asked Denki). They are going easy on us (said Jess). What (yelled some U.A Students). Well have you noticed (asked Luna). The U.A students looked confused about what Luna is asking and the Vinewoods students noticed and was about to say something but Bakugo beat them to it. The nerd isn't here (said Bakugo). Bakugo did leave the room and was meet up with Chase and he left the dorms and Chase went to the group. Yeah Izu is in heat (said Jess). Wait Izuku in heat (asked Chase). That's why you were giving Mrs. Midoriya Izuku's paper (said Luna). It became silenced then Chase yelled out. I think I fucked up (yelled Chase). Why (asked Jess). Well I heard from Izuku that Bakugo knows Mrs. Midoriya so I gave him the papers (said Chase). The students did freak out but was stopped by Luna and Momo. I think it will be fine since Mrs. Midoriya will be there (said Momo). Plus today we are going shopping (said Luna). This did catch the students interested and we're leaving but Todoroki, Shinso and Jess stayed to wait for Bakugo.

- At Midoriya's Resident -

Bakugo went to the door and started to knock on the door but didn't hear anything and he is getting annoyed about, so he started to look around and found a key and a note, the note says.

~•° Dear Chase, I had to leave for the clinic and was hoping you could watch Izuku for me, since you know how he gets when he is like this (no they didn't do it but he watched Izuku and give him food, water and anything he needs but not the it -A.Ns), I will be back tomorrow but I do believe this is the last day -from Inko Midoriya °•~

What the hell (yelled Bakugo). This pissed off Bakugo since he came here for Inko not Deku but neither less he did go inside and put the homework on the table but he started to smell something sweet, he couldn't describe it as anything else but sweet, so he went to find it and it's infront of Izuku's door.

+=× WARNING ×=+
+=× WARNING ×=+
+ 🍋 LEMON/SMUT 🍋 +
+=× AHEAD ×=+
+ If you don't like lemon there will be another part for this part, it doesn't matter each one you read it will end the same +

Bakugo opens the door and sees Izuku playing with himself, with his ass in the air, Izuku putting his fingers inside of his ass and pussy, this confused seeing Izuku with a that but he also does have a dick, so he assume this as to do with his qurik since he looks like his air dragon from, Izuku was about to climax but was stopped smelling Bakugo, Izuku lifted his head up and looks at Bakugo, his wings did cover him and he started to stutter out words but couldn't be made into a sentence but Bakugo pulled up his wings and pushed his leg against Deku's already hard penis and wet pussy. Deku what the hell is that smell (asked Bakugo). Deku was trying to spit out a answer but couldn't with his stuttering but he was stopped by a kiss. Since you are already like this I'll have my fun (said Bakugo). Before Izuku could say anything Bakugo started to undress himself and once he finished he pushed Deku on his knees on the ground and Deku tries to say something but was stopped by Bakugo shoving his dick inside of his mouth and making him deep throat him, Deku did start to gag but Bakugo didn't stopped he started to say Deku and cruses. Come on Deku I know you are enjoying this (said Bakugo). Bakugo wasn't wrong Izuku did enjoy this and started to play with his dick and ass this did go on for a while till Bakugo's dick started to twitch and Deku tries to pull away but Bakugo grabbed his head and pushed him down his dick, and he cam in his mouth making Izuku drink his cum and Izuku did cum from this and Izuku did fall after being let go by Bakugo. You think we are done nerd (said Bakugo). Izuku looked confused but Bakugo went and grabbed two of Izuku's ties and came back and lifted Deku on the bed with his ass facing him, he grabs Deku's arms and tied them and put the other tie around Izuku's mouth as a gag. You thought we were done nerd, we are barely starting (said Bakugo). While Bakugo was saying barely starting we shoved his dick inside of Deku's ass, and he started to move and Deku did tear up at this but Bakugo didn't noticed he kept going, after a couple of thrust he cam inside and so did Izuku before him but he wasn't done, he picked up Izuku and making him ride him but soon Izuku started to move and soon they both came and they did different positions, he did ungag him and lay him on the bed. Are we done (asked Izuku). Before Bakugo answer he ties Izuku's legs together and smirks at him. I have only wreaked two of your holes (said Bakugo). Wait Kachaan, I need to rest (said Deku). I can't do that Izuku (said Bakugo). Izuku was shocked that Bakugo called him Izuku but soon that shocked became a pain looked and Bakugo stopped for couple of minutes. Deku, sorry I can't hold back (said Bakugo). Izuku was confused about what he means, Bakugo started to move and Izuku started to groan at the pain. Don't worry it will get better (said Bakugo). He did grabbed Deku's chin and moved his head to face him and kissed him and soon he started to go faster and harder and soon Deku started to moan and call out Kachaan and soon they cam and Izuku passed out.

+=× End of Lemon/Smut ×=+
+=× Different Scene where Lemon/Smut didn't happens ×=+

Bakugo knocks on the door and he could hear bedsheets being moved and other stuff moving but soon he heard a come in. Kachaan, I didn't know you were coming (said Izuku). Why whatever what the hell is that smell (asked Bakugo). Did they not tell you Kachaan (asked Izuku). Tell me what (yelled Bakugo). Well I'm in heat (said Izuku). This did confused him and Izuku did noticed and started to blush and sighed. Well my air dragon is a female and since Autumn/fall is ending soon, my heat happened were I want to....ummm.... do it (said Izuku). Onced Bakugo process that he blushes, and leaves the room but before he could Deku passes out. What the hell (yelled Bakugo).

×=+ after non-lemon/smut +=×

Bakugo did pick up Izuku and cleaned Izuku and himself (if he did it), and put him in some tank top and shorts and put him on the couch and put a blanket over him, he did try to leave but Izuku grabbed Bakugo's pants. Don't leave (said Izuku). Bakugo did sigh at that and picked up Izuku and laid down with Izuku on his chest and soon both fall asleep.

÷ Few hours later ÷

Inko comes in and sees Izuku's door up and she started to panic but once she look in the living/front room and saw Bakugo and Izuku, she smiles and takes a picture planning to send this to a good old friend.


So here it is, it might not be the best but it is my first lemon/smut I wrote, hope it wasn't the worst but anyways, now I will need someone to vote for who will go shopping with Izuku and have some fun maybe don't count on it. Same rules as last time but no Bakugo on this one.











Word Count: 1317

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