Chapter 3: Quriks

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No One's P.O.V

Alright you four are in charge awhile we are gone alright (said Mary). Yes ma'am (said Deku & Luna & Momo & Shinso). The teachers left to the school to get their lessons ready for tomorrow. I'll go make breakfast (said Deku). Alright Zuzu (said Luna). Deku left to the kitchen. Hey can I ask you something (asked Momo). Sure (said Luna). Well what are your guys quriks (asked Momo). Well I am going to say our qurik once and explain them once (said Luna). Alright (said Momo). This did interested Shinso so he decided to listen as well but before they started more students came out and that was Bakugo and Kirishma and Todoroki and Denki and Sero and Jiro and Mina. Hey you seven get over here (said Luna). Why the hell should I (said Bakugo). I'm explaining mine and my friend's quriks (said Luna). That did catch their interest and came to the chairs and couches. Alright my qurik is called night, and I can consume light into my "moon" and use it to blind or paralyze my opponent or opponents and my hair is able to catch and teleport me and others to places I have been but if I use it much I get dizzy and my hair shortens, any questions (said Luna). Well how many people can you teleport and is the "moon" stuck to you or (said Kirishma). Right now I am capable of teleporting five people with me and yes it is, it show how much power is inside it by moon cycles, like right now it's fully charged (said Luna). Can we hear Jess's qurik (asked Mina). Yeah, Jess's qurik is called fallen angle, so she is able to heal others but the pain will go to them for a couple of minutes to a couple of days depending on the injuries and is able to control wind and the drawback is motion sickness (said Luna). What happened to her wing (asked Denki). I...I am not the one to tell you (said Luna). What about Chase (asked Sero). His qurik is called phantom limbs, he is able to change his limbs into anything but it takes a lot of energy so he eats a lot (said Luna). So what happened to the fucker's actual limbs (asked Bakugo). He wasn't born with them (said Luna). Now the last person Izuku (said Kirishma). His qurik is a bit hard to explain but I will try my best, so it is called Dragon Forms, he is able to change into different types of dragons, and they are fire, earth, water and air (said Luna). What are the drawbacks (asked Todoroki). It depends on what form he takes and I don't know all of the drawbacks but once he changes into that dragon he is stuck with that dragon for a week and he didn't choose the gender (said Luna). What do you mean (asked Mina). Before Luna could answer Deku yelled out that breakfast is ready and whoever was not awake are now and now they are eating and telling the others you missed the qurik information told them and then the U.A students told them thier quriks. Hey Izuku what did Luna mean by you didn't choose the gender and she didn't know all of the drawbacks (asked Mina). Deku did blush at the question and that didn't go unnoticed to the students and Mina yelled tell us. Well the drawbacks for my qurik depends on what form I take like if take my water dragon form I need it have water with me at all time or I will dry out and I get hotter easier, and I wear more revealing clothes since my gills are on my stomach and neck and it helps cool me down and I would eat more seafood (said Deku). Well what about fire (asked Sero). Well with fire, I get colder easier and wear more warmer clothing but if I feel threatened or any strong emotion I would lit myself on fire and I would eat more meat...raw (said Deku). Really (asked Denki). Deku nodded his head yes. Now what about the last two (asked Momo). Well this is were I didn't choose the gender, my air and earth are females, so when I changed into them I become a girl (said Deku). Deku was blushing crazy and they were shocked to say. With my earth, it depends on the season, like when it's winter I want to be warmer and same for summer I want to be colder but spring and autumn are okay weather for me but I would have a bigger appetite and I would go in..... heat during spring and this also go with air but I go in it in autumn and that I have a smaller appetite and I want to be colder or warmer depending on the season (said Deku). Deku was blushing as bright was Kirishma's hair and the U.A students were also blushing and was shock. Zuzu tell them which one is the biggest and strongest and the fastest (said Luna). Yeah, so earth is the biggest and strongest but isn't the fastest and fire and water is about the same height but fire is stronger then water but his weaker to earth and water is fastest compared to them and air is the smallest and weakest but makes up for it for speed it's the fastest (said Deku). The blushing did calm down and Todoroki and Kirishma are now asking questions for Deku about his qurik and it did went on for awhile till someone asked how the school decide the groups. I think for my group is made because of me (said Deku). Want you mean by that Scales (asked Chase). Well Todoroki qurik is fire and ice so once he could melts his ice for the water dragon and Kirishma is hardening so my earth and Bakugo explosion and smell (said Deku). Before he could explain, Bakugo yelled. Bakugo let me explain, my scent of smell is strength like my other senses, so your explosion is for air and your smell to calm me down when I lose control (said Deku). Control (asked Jiro). Well when I am overwhelmed I lose control, so smelling or tasting or hearing something familiar to me calms me down (said Deku). The day went on with people asking questions and knowing each other better.

Okay I don't know you should end up with Deku, if I should do a poly relationship or one on one, so comment who should end up with Deku.
What each teacher teach (A = A day & B = B day)
Mary Nego - Health Ed (A) and Free period (B)
Sam Nego - Science (A) and Hero course (B)
Mic - Free Period (A) and English (B)
Aizawa - Hero course (A) and History (B)

A Day
- Health Ed
- Hero course
- Free Period
- Science
B Day
- History
- Free Period
- Hero course
- English

Word Count: 1162

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