Part XXXVI: Blood Oath

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 Author's Note:

Hi, Wattpad!

I'm so excited about the upcoming weeks where I will thicken the plot. I will keep the momentum of last week by continually posting three chapters a week until the book ends.

I'm sure you will notice some characters from Twilight have made the cut and others are MIA; for the wolf-pack lovers and Team Edward, sorry but those guys might not even be in one chapter. There's already a lot going on anyway.

Please enjoy this week's chapters.

Stay healthy and blessed.

And stay at home people! We still have COVID-19!


Aro watched silently as his Master moaned over the body of a man. He was swallow skinned, rigid, with wide, dull eyes and a neck with torn skin and two blunt holes with the remnants of blood oozing from them. His Master had clotted blood dripping down his chin and blood stains on his shirt.

"Master, please. There is no time to waste, mourning this dead blood-sack. We must shelter before morning or we perish!"

His words went unheeded. He sighed; his black hair blowing on the wine's gentle teasing. Why was he gifted the second chance of life by such a weakling?

He always serenaded Aro with futile, endless tales of how they, monsters, were birthed out of love and not by the Devil, which he believed himself.

He didn't want to kill humans, said that their existence depended on us caring for the humans. None of the other immortals he sired believed his teachings so he was alone, apart from Aro, the new one. He was birthed from pity and nothing else.

Aro brushed his Master's face. He heard the inner workings of his soul.

I'm a monster! Another has fallen by my hand

His Master's hand quivered.

...Selene is this my fate without you?

Aro dropped his hand. He was fed up. He wanted to waste his immortal life crying over their food, fine but he would revel in the majesty and the sheer power it gave him.

"Master, I will find shelter for the night. I shall meet you tomorrow."


Marcus was cloaked in darkness. A foul mood concocted by his brother Aro, no, his adopted brother. He no longer deserved that name. He had painstakingly arranged opportunity after opportunity for him to court Makayla and make his mate. But he let the meetings come and go and he lost his chances to impress her. He didn't even want to let his beloved coven or his brothers know the true extent of his feelings for the girl.

If he did not sense ties between people, he would have missed the undertones of a relationship between the two different people.

He was overly excitable and insensitive. She was excitable, yes but she was more in tune to others' moods and acted accordingly. She had cried when she saw he was hurting over Didyme. She had been cautious upon return to the castle after their tassel. She had hugged him on their reunion.

She was the only one as of late who could read him. And she had given him back some of his dignity. But she was not Didyme. She could never be. But he could be with her, if not to pass time, to give her exactly what she wanted.

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