Part VIII: Marcus' room

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I sat on the white silks; Renata had forbidden me to sit on the other day. Demetri's eyes flitted like a nervous moth. I opened my phone. It was ten forty now. I felt like I was sinking. I closed my eyes to think but then I felt hypnagogic echoes of sound lull me to sleep.

Almost as soon I was falling into the quiet abyss of sleep, a warm touch on my arm and a tender but single-toned voice talked to me.


I slapped the thing holding me up. Didn't it see I was resting? I cracked my eyelids open and saw a towering, long haired figure. I sighed.

"Demetri, could you leave me to rest? Marcus isn't back."

Quiet laughter filled the silence.

"Awaken, Makayla. I have brought Heidi and we can now sort out your dilemma."

I jolted up and my blurred vision resolved and instead of olive-skinned Demetri with his braid I saw a horsey face with sombre eyes.

"Marcus! I thought you were Demetri."

I looked down and saw his bed crumpled. He had backed up so I could move. OH, no! I was sleeping in his bed and we had hardly known each other for two days...

"I'm so sorry! I must have dozed off."

I tried to hurriedly fix his bed but he shook his head. It only made me sloppier and more rushed to resolve the problem I had caused.

"That, leave it. I am not bothered by you taking rest on my mattress. You seem more at ease now."

I nodded. I was more relaxed and maybe this was not as big of a problem as I had made it. The agent must be waiting for me as we speak!

He took my hand and silently lead me from his room to the hallway, my heart strumming a new note of love the longer he held me. My palms felt moist and I'm sure I was breathing uneasily.

I was presented with an onslaught of people. There standing outside his doors were garbed men and women and as we went deeper into the castle more appeared.

Where had all these people come from? My heart was in my throat. They made it even worse by staring at me...staring at us walking hand in hand.

Marcus ,who had not paid them the slightest attention, briefly looked at me.

Then he looked at his personnel. They averted their eyes and bowed low. He whispered something and continued on his way with me in tow. I looked back to see eyes still staring up at me in wonder.

In the reception Heidi and Demetri were waiting for us and Donatella was absent to my relief.

I recognised Heidi's tall figure but I had never got a good look at her. She had a diamond face and dark brown hair. She was beautiful definitely but she really wasn't worth looking at for me if she didn't turn out to be helpful, like Donatella.

I took my hand away from Marcus and ran to her. She moved an inch away before moving forward again subtly.

"Hi," I said shrilly. "You are Heidi?"

"Yes," she said melodically.

"Good, I've been searching for you. Do you perhaps know a Mrs. Bianchi?" I said hope clinging to my heart.

She seemed unsure, her mouth opened delicately and she looked behind me. What was her deal? Marcus was behind me, still. She nodded surely, almost to herself and answered; she did.

"I was booked for a tour here two days ago and I heard you are her partner? I can't reach her and I'm supposed to get home today."

She nodded plastically.

"Do you have her business card?"

I nodded, handing it to her.

Her court shoes clicked as she walked to behind Donatella's place. The keyboard rang as she typed briskly. Donatella wasn't competent enough to do what Heidi was doing?

"Yes, it seems we are partners."

I looked at her with scrunched up eyes.

"Wait, why did you have to check?"

Heidi smiled at me.

"We are allied with many companies to organise tours. And that name you gave me is common. But if you give me a description or a business card it becomes easier to narrow down."

I nodded.

Heidi picked up the telephone. It only rang once before it was answered. She spoke quietly. Then she frowned.

"You have some explaining to do we have a Makayla here you booked on your agency."

It was quiet.

"Really, you want us to deal with it? No problem but for the problems we face you will suffer dearly for it."

She smiled devilishly.

"I was hoping to hear that. You should be grateful you have another chance; those do not come often. Are you nearby? Not in Italy?"

My heart stopped. What? I had seen her two days ago. How was she not in Italy anymore?

"That's disappointing. But be back by tonight. I don't care how you do it! Would you rather have one of our agents come?"

"Good, by ten p.m. you should be here at the castle!"

Heidi slammed the phone. She complained to Demetri in Italian. They both sighed. Marcus could see there was a problem so he inched closer.

"Uhhh.Heidi? That didn't sound good."

Heidi looked at me, slightly peeved.

"It wasn't; your agent is very greedy! Did you pay for the return flight prior?"

I nodded; mouth open. Heidi sighed.

"It looks like she went holidaying with that money. I'm sorry I had no clue, but I managed to convince her to come back by tonight."

"Tonight? But l have to be home today!" I shouted.

Heidi looked at me with pity.

"I'm afraid I've done all I could. I'm really sorry but I think if you come back tomorrow...."

I couldn't stop myself; I started crying, silent tears not the wails Demetri had seen. And she was unsure how to act. She apologised once more.

"Excuse me, Master."

"Of course, Heidi. Thank you."

Then she left her violet eyes softening. I turned I don't know to where and I was enveloped in a hard, warm chest. I wept into it before gazing up. A long, sad face looked back at me with sympathising eyes.

"Oh, Marcus. What am I going to do? That woman took all the money I  had for my ticket and I spent all my money coming here! I don't have any money to pay the inn I was in, or to hire a cab... let alone book a flight myself!"

He stroked my skin exposed by my blouse.

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