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A/N So I was feeling gloomy today and was browsing on the internet, then I found this...and the rest  is history! Inspired by picture above, deathly hallows rewrite about what would have happened if Draco and Harry were secretly dating....with a TWIST! From Draco's PoV (yet again!) 

The battlefield was quiet. The mist-covered castle ruins that used to be Hogwarts, his home loomed over everyone, shadowing him in a sense of foreboding. Draco Malfoy gripped his hawthorn wand a bit tighter, warily looking around at the black-cloaked death eaters that surrounded him, pushing him forward, following the Dark Lord as they walked across a bridge walkway. He walked to his father, pushing through quite a few people to get to him.

"What's happening, Father?"

His father didn't reply. His lustrous, silky blond hair was straggly and tangled, a 5 o'clock shadow sat on his normally smooth face, and when he turned, his eyes glinted with something that made him look a hundred years older. He kept walking. Draco turned away and decided to observe for himself.

The Dark Lord strode to the center of the Hogwarts courtyard, black robes billowing behind him, his snake-like features twisted into a macabre grin. Nagini slithered by his side, tasting the still air with her forked tongue, hissing softly. Hagrid - the half giant gamekeeper - was carrying something in his hands, his chest racked with heaving sobs, his great head bowed. From the other side of the courtyard approached the light side. Their faces betrayed the same foreboding that Draco personally though everyone felt. He shivered, suddenly feeling the biting cold of the weather.

The Weaslette - or at least Draco thought that was her - staggered to the front. Her voice trembled as she asked the question that Draco was bursting to know.

Who is that Hagrid's carrying? Neville...who is it?

Voldemort's cold, high, frighteningly gleeful voice rang through the courtyard, through the cold, still air, startling a couple of crows who gave a high pitched screeching sound before flying away. 

"Harry Potter....IS DEAD!"

And with those few words, Draco's blood ran cold. His heart shattered into a million pieces as he saw the cold, dead body of his boyfriend carried in the half-giant's arms. His knees nearly buckled as he fought to stay upright, as the people - no, monsters around him laughed gleefully with Voldemort, cackling with a sadistic joy. 

"When this is over, I'm going to ask you to finally be my fiancé." Well, that self-sacrificing git never got the chance to do that, didn't he?

 Voldemort's voice rang through the courtyard once more, this time softly and even more dangerous than before.

"Harry Potter is dead. From this day put your faith, in me."

 His grotesque face split open into a gruesome grin that made him look even more menacing.

"And now is the time to declare yourself! Come forward and join us...or die. Now....who's ever wanted to see what torturing the Chosen One would look like if he were dead...?"

As the monsters around him jeered their approval, none as loud as his father himself, Draco had had enough. He stepped forward.

The dark lord smiled unnervingly at him, red eyes glinting with malice.

"Ah Draco, come to torture Harry Potter? Your childhood rival?"

Draco shook his head. 


Voldemort paused. A malicious, grotesque grin stretched across his face as Mother shouted a loud "No! Draco no!". When he spoke again, it was in that same dangerously soft voice that he'd used only a minute ago. 

"What do you mean no?"

Draco smirked, a shadow of the past. His eyes only reflected the determination of a man with nothing to lose. Voldemort stepped back, fear in his ruby-red eyes for the first time.

"I mean no. You can break my soul, take my shitty ass life away, beat me, hurt me, kill me.....but for the love of Merlin..DON'T TOUCH MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND!"

Everyone in the courtyard gasped. Lucius Malfoy stepped up. He asked Draco in a rough, cracked voice.

"Why do you defend him so, Draco? Come back to our side. You'll be safe there."

Draco replied, a flicker of sadness coming through his mask. His voice, although soft, seemed to pierce through the hush that everyone was shocked into after hearing the heartless Malfoy heir say those words.

"Because I have nothing to lose. Because now I would be better off dead. Because a part of me died with him. Because he was everything to me. Because...I love him." He drew his wand and shouted "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"

A majestic silvery blue stag lept out of his wand as Harry Potter, the boy who lived, rolled out of Hagrid's arms, landing on the floor. Voldemort saw this, and his face contorted with rage. He pulled out his wand before Harry had a chance to draw his. 


For Draco, the bolt of green light streaked towards his boyfriend in slow motion. All he could hear was the rushing wind and his own shout of "NO!" as he lept towards the beam of light, with the words on his lips seconds before the bolt hit:

"I love you."

Then everything faded into darkness. He never heard Harry's anguished shout of "DRACO!", never heard the pure rage in his voice as he shouted "THAT WAS MY BOYFRIEND AND YOU KILLED HIM! I WAS GOING TO ASK HIM TO MARRY ME! I'LL KILL YOU YOU BITCH!", never saw the new era where people could live without the threat of Voldemort over their heads.

Draco Malfoy was hailed a hero and buried in the graveyard of Godric's Hollow, alongside Lily and James Potter. They say, a half of Harry Potter died with him, leaving a shell of the person he was. To this day, he still visits the grave, kneeling down and speaking to the body buried underneath the dirt just to see if he would miraculously spring out of the ground, like he did that fateful day.

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