"Maybe he'll mean it this time"

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PLS DON'T READ IF TRIGGERED EASILY: Draco is toxic in this oneshot - yep, and he's also an utter dick. Ok, enjoy and don't forget to leave feedback! - IAS :)

Hermione sighed as she turned to look at Harry, posing in front of a mirror. He was a far cry from the boy he once was - when he was slightly chubby, he was now anorexic thin (Draco didn't like his partners fat, he explained when someone told him to eat), his naturally tanned skin a sickly white pallor. He wore increasingly tight garments that clung to his bony frame, and his face was coated in makeup (He was ugly, and Draco wouldn't want him if he was this ugly.)  

Hermione crossed the distance between them in a few steps, grabbing Harry's hands gently and lifting his head with a finger below his chin.  

"Harry, please stop. You and I - we both know that Draco's not worth it - he's just one person. Please..."

Harry looked back down, lively emerald eyes devoid of life, a single tear running down his face before he roughly wiped it away. His small frame slumped, and the words he said next broke Hermione again, like they did every time he said them .

"Let me go to him just one last time, Herm. Just one last time, I promise, I'll leave afterwards. Maybe he'll mean it this time, Hermione. Let me have one last night with him, please?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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