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Harry is depressed over the deaths in the war and commits suicide....Draco never got to tell him how he felt.... A/N sorry for this shitty one shot, they aren't usually that short, but I was feeling sad and had to vent some of it after going to a funeral....that's what makes me feel better :)

Harry Potter's funeral was a short, simple one, with only his friends and family. Too busy grieving over the death of Harry Potter, no one noticed the black-clad figure with platinum blond hair, silver tracks making their way down his face. The ceremony concluded, with his body being lowered down into a hole in the ground. Everyone left, and snow began to softly fall on the grave.

And from behind a tree, Draco Malfoy himself stepped out, tears streaked with tears, running to the boy-who-lived's grave, sinking to his knees and letting out an animalistic cry of despair.

"I-I'm SORRY!  I'M SORRY FOR EVERYTHING I'VE DONE TO YOU! J-just bring come BACK! YOU HAVE to live! J-just....come back...come back...Po-Harry...come back..."

But he was never coming back, and Draco knew that, but he had to try, he had to...as he never had the courage in life, not like Ginny Weasley did....he was no Gryffindor, too cowardly, too scared... Draco took a deep breath.

"I don't know how to say this, Potter, but...oh fuck it, I LOVE YOU OK!? I LOVE YOU! WHY DID YOU LEAVE? WHY?? After all, it was always you....you prat."

He took his wand out, casting Expecto Patronum and watching sadly as a silvery-blue stag ran circles around him before disappearing into thin air. Standing in front of the grave yard, he waited for a single sign that Harry heard him, but the snow kept falling softly, and nothing changed, not a single thing, he was still dead.

Draco was sobbing in the graveyard, ugly, fat tears running down his face and hugging Harry's gravestone, but for once in his life, Draco could care less about how he looked, because Harry was dead, he was gone, and Draco would never get to tell him how he felt...

That night, a decision was made....by a boy who never wanted to be chosen, to be marked. Who the world wouldn't miss. He left behind only a letter, a small white piece of fine parchment paper, with the word "Sorry" written in his elegant, looping scrawl.

The morning after, Draco Malfoy was no-where to be seen, or to be found. He was, after all just a Death eater's boy. And life carried on around him, just as it did after Harry passed.

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