- I see you -

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Hi everyone, it's the weekends and I should be studying for my english, german, ICT, Chinese and history tests, but I haven't updated in so long so...bonus (along with any chapters I publish in these few days) :)))) Hope you guys enjoy it - took a long time to find the adjectives, (maybe) metaphors and similes! - IAS :)

Harry sighed as he stared mindlessly out of the french windows at the light grey skies, the gentle rain softly pelting down from the heavens, familiar as the caress of his soft hands. He looked around the room - his favourite room, the creamy eggshell walls,  heavy emerald drapes "the colour of your  beautiful eyes, my dear", the annoyingly charismatic mug with Harry's picture that he'd bought from the "official" Harry Potter gift shop in Knockturn Alley. Delicate blossoms, Narcissa's hand-sewn quilt, and his father's ancient redwood desk "A Malfoy heirloom, Harry". Running his hand through his bird's nest of hair "Use Sleekeazy's, it helps, he teased him, running his hands through Harry's shaggy hair"  he saw him everywhere.

 He saw his mercury eyes in the stormy skies, in the way they would light up in happiness when their owner glimpsed him, like the shining sun coming out from behind the clouds after a heavy storm. He saw his fair skin in the pale lily blossoms that festooned the room, pearly white, his favourite flower. He saw his brilliant smile in the sun-glitter reflected off the surface of the Manor's pond in those quiet mornings shared with him, a thousand times brighter than the sun, so bright it blinded Harry when he saw it appear, beautiful and pure on his face. He saw his cornsilk hair in the woven golden threads of his mother's handmade quilt, sparkling when the light hit it at just the right angle. 

And so he closed his eyes, and he saw everything that was Draco

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